Zantedeschia aethiopica bears minute yellow flowers which are shielded by a large white spathe borne on the end of a tall stem. Welcome to the rare monster version of the common calla lily. Calla bog arum marsh calla wild calla squaw claw and water arum is a genus of flowering plant in the family araceae containing the single species calla palustris.
Calla Lily Zantedeschia Picasso
Zantedeschia aethiopica commonly called calla lilies are not true lilies but are arum jack in the pulpit family members.
Die zantedeschien zantedeschia sind die einzige pflanzengattung der tribus zantedeschieae in der familie der aronstabgewachse araceae.
Bei vier der acht. Cantedeskia kalijka kalia zantedeschia spreng rodzaj roslin z rodziny obrazkowatych obejmujacy 8 gatunkow pochodzacych ze srodkowo poludniowej afryki. Zantedeschia often known as arum lilies or calla lilies are popular exotic looking plants that are native to south africa. They will bear narrow lance or funnel.
Zantedeschia calla calle colorate zantedeschia aethiopica zantedeschia albomaculata zantedeschia elliottiana zantedeschia pentlandii.
Bloomz exports tissue culture plants and tubers of standard and patented varieties to more than 30 countries. World renowned for our range of vibrant and top. The hercules calla lily.