Reduces dirt penetration into the pores. Veľmi dobre penetruje do otvorených pórov podkladu, zabezpečuje trvalú ochranu proti vode, pričom nemení schopnosť obojsmerne prepúšťať vodnú paru. Can be overcoated with solvent based and dispersion coating.
Sikagard 700 S Yδροαπωθητικός Eμποτισμός
Penetra bien dentro de los poros abiertos
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Dobro prodire u otvorene pore podloge, čime stvara trajnu vodoodbojnost, uz istovremeno omogućavanje difuzije vodene pare u oba smjera. It penetrates well into the open pores of the substrate, providing durable water repellency, while still allowing water vapour diffusion in both directions. Reduction of capillary water absorption. Sikagard 700 s is a siloxane based water repellent impregnation.
Can be overcoated with solvent based and dispersion coating.
Sikagard 700 s can be used as water repellent and colourless protective surface treatment for absorbent exposed materials. It penetrates the open pores of the substrate, offering durable ydatoapwthitiki action, while also allowing the diffusion of water vapor in both directions. Penetra facilmente nos poros abertos da superfície, proporcionando uma repelência de água duradoura, sem alterar a capacidade de difusão de vapor da superfície. It penetrates well into the open pores of the substrate, providing durable water repellency, while still allowing water vapour diffusion in both directions.
It penetrates well into the open pores of the substrate, providing durable water repellency, while still allowing water vapour diffusion in both directions.
It penetrates well into the open pores of the substrate, providing durable water repellency, while still allowing water vapour diffusion in both directions. It penetrates well into the open pores of the substrate, providing durable water repellency, while still allowing water vapour diffusion in both directions. It penetrates well into the open pores of the substrate, providing durable water repellency, while still allowing water vapour diffusion in both directions. Beton nakon impregnacije sa sikagard 700sconcrete after impregnation with sikagard 700s
2018/06/21 version 1.0 4 / 9 fire residues and contaminated fire extinguishing water must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
Reduces dirt penetration into the pores. It is used as a water repellent and colorless protective surface treatment absorbent exposed materials such as concrete, cementitious rendering.