Ral 7016 anthracite grey para hex: In the hsl color space #383e42 has a hue of 204° (degrees), 8% saturation and 24% lightness. Ral design plus is the expanded ral color system that includes 1825 colors that are grouped every 10° of hue and additionally at 75°, 85° and 95°.
DupliColor AcrylSpray RAL 7016 anthrazitgrau, glänzend
This page shows ral color 7016 called anthracite grey.
This color has an approximate wavelength of 487.18 nm.
Use the color impression on this page as a reference only. Rgb 100 12 14, fe6609, hsl 80 36 68. Top 10 logitech g910 orion. Anthrazitgrau, ral 7016, dessin 436 7003
In the rgb color model #383e42 is comprised of 21.96% red, 24.31% green and 25.88% blue.
Es ist ein risiko, eine entscheidung zu treffen, die auf der anzeige einer farbe auf einem computerbildschirm basiert. Die farbe anthrazitgrau mit dem hexadezimalen farbcode #293133 ist ein dunkel farbton von cyan. Developed as a color matching tool for architects, designers, industry workers and trading. If no colorspace is given, rgb is assumed.
In the rgb color model #293133 is comprised of 16.08% red, 19.22% green and 20% blue.
On computer screens ral colors do not appear completely authentic. Amostra de cor a cor ral ral 7016 foi gerada em hex como uma referência à cor original. Ral 7016 anthracite grey para rgb: This color appears in the category grey hues, part of the collection ral classic.
Esta cor pertence à série ral gray.
The second colour was signalbraun (ral. The colors of ral classic and ral design plus do not intersect. Micha köllerwirth, bismarckstraße 12, 32049 herford, germany. É composto por 20% de cian, de magenta a 4%, de amarelo a 0% e preto a 80%.
Aqui pode encontrar toda a informação sobre a cor ral 7016 anthracite grey.
Camas dübelplatte 15 x 10cm ral7016 pfostenschuh. Vista geral da cor do ral 7016. Zaun pfosten montagesatz doppelstabzaun grau anthrazit 7016 + butterfly v2a 10 stück. In the hsl color space #293133 has a hue of 192° (degrees), 11% saturation and 18% lightness.
Sparvar 6099958 lackspray ral 7016 anthrazitgrau matt, 400 ml.
Ral 7016 colour belongs to ral classic color system, a colour matching system mainly used for varnish and powder coating but nowadays there are reference panels for plastics as well. Ral 7016 / anthracite grey / #383e42 hex color code. Cor ral 7016 anthracite grey. This color has an approximate wavelength of.