Pi (parallel import) stock is imported from the eu/eea and relabelled where necessary by companies licensed to do so by the mhra. It has an excellent fatty acid composition (1:1:1 ration mufa, pufa, sfa) and is heat stable. Energy value 1560 kj 368 kcal.
Nutricia Protifar 500g Complément alimentaire hyperprotéiné
0) fruits, vegetables, nuts, and colza/walnut/olive oils:
Il est conditionné soit en vrac sachet qui contient 500g du produit ou alors en boite de 20 sachets.
Each white opaque/blue opaque capsule contains 667 mg of protifar (calcium) acetate usp (anhydrous; Protifar is a dietary product for special medical purposes. Cow's milk protein concentrate, emulsifier: Suitable for patients who are unable to cover their protein needs with conventional nutrition.
Directions for use •add required amount of powder into liquid and/or food and mix well •for best results, first mix protifar with a little water to form smooth paste and then add to food or drink •discard prepared unused portions after 24 hours
Protein source (80% de casein e 20% serum protein). Grâce à son arôme neutre, protifar peut être ajouté aux boissons et aux préparations salées ou sucrées. Specially suitable for protein extra need:reduced protein intake, pregnant women, lactating women, children, adolescents, sportsmen and elderly. Ca (ch 3 coo) 2;
Retrouvez sur vidal les informations, composition, propriétés du produit de parapharmacie protifar pdre oral de protéines
Minerals (100 g of the product): Composition milk protein concentrate, emulsifier (soy lecithin). Proteína láctea de leche descremada, vitaminas, caseinato de calcio. Nutricia protifar poudre de protéines arôme neutre 500g est un aliment diététique destiné à des fins médicales spéciales, riche en protéines afin d'apporter aux muscles tous les nutriments pour une prise de masse musculaire saine.
Le protifar se présente sous forme de poudre dont l'origine n'est pas naturelle.
Mw=158.17 grams) equal to 169 mg (8.45 meq) protifar (calcium), polyethylene glycol 8000 and magnesium stearate. Nudegimams, traumoms, infekcinėms ligoms, mitybos nepakankamumui. Son arôme neutre vous permet de la mélanger à des plats sans que leur goût n'en soit altéré. Nutricia poudre hyperprotidique protifar plus est une denrée alimentaire destinée à des fins médicales spéciales.
Dietary food for special medical purposes.
For dietary management of malnutrition associated with disease and hypoproteinemia. Protifar powder is available in a 225g resealable tin with a scoop that holds approximately 2.5g of powder (2.2g protein). Buy protifar nf 225 pdr fast,secure and discreet. Please note this may be supplied as uk or pi stock.
Its functional ingredients contain digestible proteins along with nutritional building blocks, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and healthy fats.
Once opened, close the package tightly and store in a cool, dry place (do not refrigerate) and use within 1 month. Sa composition est faite majoritairement de protides, quasi 90% du produit, et une petite partie de glucides, de lipides ou aussi de l'énergie. Suitable for a wide variety of applications. Usage method use under medical supervision.
Protifar yra specialios medicininės paskirties dietinis maistas.
Order protifar nf 225 pdr online at “zwitserse apotheek” ,your begian online pharmacy. Papildomas baltymų šaltinis pacientams, kurių poreikių nepatenkina įprastinis maistas, esant: Modular nutritional supplement for diet protein enrichment. For the dietary management of hypoproteinemia.
Protifar yra specialios medicininės paskirties dietinis maistas.
⇢ 1 oeuf = 6 g de protéines = 3 mesurettes de protifar plus® ⇢ 30 g de camenbert (1/8) = 6 g de protéines = 3 mesurettes de protifar plus® ⇢ 1 crème dessert = 6 g de protéines = 3 mesurettes de protifar plus® ⇢ 1 verre de lait = 5 g de protéines = 2 mesurettes de protifar plus® Protifar nutrition information per 100g per scoop (2.5g) energy kcal 368 9.2 kj 1560 39 protein g 87.2 (95% e) 2.2 casein g 17.4 0.4 whey g 69.7 1.7 carbohydrate g 1.2 (1% e) 0.03 sugars g 1.2 0.03 as lactose g 1.2 0.03 fat g 1.6 (4% e) 0.04 per scoop saturatesg 1.2 0.03 fibre g 0 0 water ml <5 <0.1 minerals per 100g per scoop (2.5g) sodium mg 110 2.8 mmol 4.8 0.1 100 g of the product contains: Not suitable as nourishment single source, not suitable for patients with protein.
Il s'agit d'une poudre de protéines destinée aux patients dont l'alimentation ne couvre pas les besoins en protides.
Per 100 mg, k 120 mg, cl 100 mg, ca 1350 mg, p 700 mg, mg <20 mg.