On apprend le verbe cuisiner. Verbe régulier du premier

Cuisiner Conjugation Imperative Zubereiten (make, Brew) Forms, Rules

The cuisiner conjugation tables below show how to form the french verb. 'cuisiner' conjugation table in french go to the definition page of cuisiner.

Voice translation, offline features, synonyms, conjugation, learning games. Ver la traducción en contexto para cuisiner y su definición. Cuisine /kɥi.zin/ cuisines /kɥi.zin/ cuisine /kɥi.zin/

Verbs and Conjugation in French YouTube

Cuisiner to cook, to prepare (dish), to interrogate (fam.) past participle:

Irregular verbs, auxiliary verbs, conjugation rules and conjugation models in french verb conjugation.

Translate cuisiner in context, with examples of use and definition. Cuisiner | cuisiner passive voice | cuisiner feminine passive voice. Cuisinant /kɥi.zi.nɑ̃/ compound ayant + past participle past participle: Auxiliary verb used with cuisiner :

Conjugation french verb cuisiner feminine.

Consulter, débriefer, demander, s'enquerir, enquêter, interroger, mijoter, mitonner, persécuter, préparer, questionner,. Conjugation of french verb cuisiner in interrogative form in all tenses and moods Avoir irregular forms are in red. Cuisiner compound avoir + past participle present participle or gerund 1 simple:

Verb conjugations for cuisiner present je cuisine tu cuisines il/elle cuisine nous cuisinons vous cuisinez ils/elles cuisinent future je cuisinerai tu cuisineras il/elle cuisinera nous cuisinerons vous cuisinerez ils/elles cuisineront imperfect je cuisinais tu cuisinais il/elle cuisinait nous cuisinions vous cuisiniez ils/elles cuisinaient present perfect j' ai cuisiné tu as cuisiné il/elle a cuisiné.

The subjunctive tense conjugations for the french verb cuisiner , along with their english translations. Cuisiner feminine | cuisiner passive voice | cuisiner feminine passive voice. Conjugate the french verb cuisiner in all tenses: La conjugaison du verbe espagnol cocinar.

Verb conjugation of cuisiner in french.

Common conjugations for the french verb cuisiner, and their english translations. Dictionary word of the day advanced words verbs phrase of the day sentence of the day vocabulary sets common words common phrases sentence analyser sentence examples numbers pronunciation. Auxilliary verbs are in blue. Future, participle, present, indicative, subjunctive.

Cuisiné /kɥ singular plural first second third first second third indicative je (j’) tu il, elle nous vous ils, elles (simple tenses) present:

Conjuguer le verbe espagnol cocinar à indicatif, subjonctif, impératif, infinitif, conditionnel, participe, gérondif. Conjugate over 12,000 french verbs and get useful information (translations, example sentences, etc.). Auxiliary verb used with cuisiner :

French for Beginners Regular Verbs by Fluent Language
French for Beginners Regular Verbs by Fluent Language

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Conjugaison du verbe approuver décliner approuver

How to Say "to Cook" in French Cuire, Cuisiner, Faire la
How to Say "to Cook" in French Cuire, Cuisiner, Faire la

Basic French Exercises
Basic French Exercises

Verbs and Conjugation in French YouTube
Verbs and Conjugation in French YouTube

French verb conjugation = Ecrire = Passé composé YouTube
French verb conjugation = Ecrire = Passé composé YouTube

cuisiner Conjugation of the verb “cuisiner” schoLINGUA
cuisiner Conjugation of the verb “cuisiner” schoLINGUA
