Cadre strength updation proforma is an informative portal for ap ts employees, teachers, pensioners, education information for ap and ts states, g.os, proccedings, orders.transfers, softwares, formative and summative model papers, cce project works, states, tlm, lesson plans gsr info ap ts employees, teachers, education I nspire award proposal format: Download links provided below for the proforma for subject wise teachers 2018.
The specific grievances or anomalies relevant to the pay structure in your department/university.
Rajesh kumar sharma, scientist (vety.
As all are aware that the government of telangana has decided to allocate the employees and teachers belonging to the different cadres to new local cadre district by obtaining option forms in a prescribed proforma. Cadre strength and number of vacancies of all posts. If there is no change ddo can confirm the cadre strength by clicking on confirm button against each Ddo has the provision to edit cadre strength if any discrepancies are found in cadre strength.
A ll the hms are requested to submit the proforma for subject wise teachers 2018 communicate to the emails of the concerned hms & also available in site and submit to [email protected] by today i.e 15.06.2018.
Any litigation in different courts relating to the pay structures may also be indicated. If an appointee in the cadre is a scheduled caste candidate, sc may be entered in column 5 of the register against his name. The treasury officers are provided with details of sanctioned cadre strength and working strength category wise as derived from the existing treasury hrms data and payroll process. The cadre strength shall be in conformity with reports of implementation committee meetings conducted by finance smpc department.
Ts / telangana teacher information system (tis) teachers cadre strength upload details at rc no spl ,dt 25.09.2019.
The treasury officers are provided with details of sanctioned cadre strength and working strength category wise as derived from the existing treasury hrms data and payroll process. Mid day meals software for cch salaries. Consolidated information shall be furnished for each category of post with scale of pay instead of indicating each post with. Social status of the staff.
Names of all the incumbents in the cadre as on 2.7.1997 may be entered in the register starting from the earliest appointee.
They are required to update the number of employees working substantively, in officiating capacity and how many are on leave or suspension, based on the slo record. If there is no change ddo can confirm the cadre strength by clicking on confirm button against each designation. Further the government have announced the schedule of the allocation of the employees, teachers to new. The scales of pay indicated against each category of post shall be in conformity with prc g.os.
The details information in respect of the employees who are running unauthorised absent from duty since long without the intimation cir 2641 dated 31.12.2019.
Notification regarding university anthem (.pdf format) 17: Edit / confirm options are provided. Compliance of office order of central establishment department cir 2697 dated 08.01.2020. High school cadre strength particulars proforma may 2017.
The last date for uploading of data on teacher information and cadre strength particulars.
O/o district educational officer, guntur.: All the headmasters shall submit teacher information and cadre strength particulars forms to meos in respect of primary and upper primary schools and dy.e.os in respect of high schools. Ddo has the provision to edit cadre strength if any discrepancies are found in cadre strength. Positions filled and sanctioned cadre strength for each category ) (list to be enclosed as annexure a8) particulars sanctioned filled filled faculty positions (%) teaching 383 168 43.86 research 403 202 50.12 regional stations 129 52 40.13 kvk’s 130 115 88.46 extensions 160 62 38.75 aicrp’s 184 179 97.28
Sbi a/c min.bal.charges waiver gm & cie orders.
Details of telangana school wise cadre strength. Edit / confirm options are provided. Online teachers data feeding schedule:
