The process for assembling the 185 wsm is virtually identical. See all the component parts that make up the 185 weber smokey mountain cooker for model years 2009 2013. The weber 18 smokey mountain cooker smoker features a unique bullet shape two stacked cooking grates and built in water pan for ideal smoking.
Weber Smokey Mountain Barbeque Smoker Review Digital Trends
How to assemble a weber smokey mountain.
How to cook on weber smokey mountain wsm duration.
Weber smokey mountain how to cook smoke win. Weber smokey mountain bbq parts. Door assembly 18 smokey mountain cooker. Step by step install of weber smokey mountain 22.
Weber smokey mountain assembly.
Harry soo 9367. The weber 18 in. Smokey mountain cooker smoker features a generous 481 sq. Of cooking space across two plated steel grill.
Assembly was easy with just myself.
View and download weber smokey mountain cooker 185 owner. Bowl assembly lower cooking. Weber weber smokey mountain cooker smokey mountain cooker. Weber smokey mountain 18.
Setting up the weber smokey mountain assembly is a 30 minute job.
Its infinitely easier than other grills and smokers out there.