Définition Trépan Futura Planète

Trepane Definition Définition D'un Trépan

Définition dans le littré, dictionnaire de la langue française. A tool used to bore through rock when sinking shafts.

‘and furthermore, he just sliced through the. To perforate (the skull) with a trepan, so as to remove a portion of the bone, and thus relieve the brain from pressure or. To cut (a hole or groove) with a trepan.

trépan définition C'est quoi

Tre·panned , tre·pan·ning , tre·pans 1.

It may also refer to any burr hole.

[middle english trepane, surgical crown saw,. A cylindric or crown saw used for the removal of a disc of bone, especially from the skull, or of other firm tissue as that of the cornea. Definition from wiktionary, the free dictionary To use a trephine on (the skull) 2 :

The intentional perforation of the cranium exposes the dura mater to treat health problems related to intracranial diseases or release pressured blood buildup from an injury.

Trephine definition, a small circular saw with a center pin mounted on a strong hollow metal shaft to which is attached a transverse handle: (entry 1 of 4) transitive verb. (medicine) a surgical instrument used to remove a circular section of bone from the skull; To bore or otherwise make a hole in the skull, as in certain prehistoric cultures or in surgery using a trephine.

C'est également le nom générique d'une opération chirurgicale qui consiste à pratiquer un trou, grâce à un appareil — de type foret — appelé trépan, dans la boîte crânienne ou à.

An obsolete form of trepan. La trépanation est une technique de perçage qui consiste à pratiquer un trou en réalisant une découpe circulaire, à la différence de la craniectomie qui sectionne un ou plusieurs os du crâne. (transitive) to remove a circular section of bone from (esp the skull) also called: Trepanning is a process whereby a hole is drilled in the skull, and, with evidence going back to prehistoric times, it is one of the oldest surgical practices in history.

Les trépanés succombèrent presque tous.

Définition, avec citations, historique littéraire et étymologie. Definition of trepan noun surgery an instrument resembling a carpenter's brace and bit formerly used to remove circular sections of bone (esp from the skull) compare trephine A surgical sawlike instrument for removing circular sections of bone, esp from the skull. To bore (a shaft) with a trepan.

The operation of cutting a hole with such a tool.

To bore with a trepan. Médecine , craniotomie , boîte cranienne. August 2, 2019 at 12:20 pm. The earliest trepanned skull was discovered at a neolithic burial site in france, and is more than 7,000 years old.

Ainsi que des exemples d'expressions ou phrases employant le mot

Texte intégral, sans publicité ni brimborions. Surgery another word for trephine. Trepanning, also known as trepanation, trephination, trephining or making a burr hole, is a surgical intervention in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the human skull. 1 mainly historical a trephine (hole saw) used by surgeons for perforating the skull.

Retrouvez la définition de trépané.

To bore or otherwise make a hole in (the skull), as in certain prehistoric cultures or in surgery using a trephine. Trepan synonyms, trepan pronunciation, trepan translation, english dictionary definition of trepan. To remove a disk or cylindrical core (as from metal for testing)

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Outils à trépaner Comparez les prix pour professionnels

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