trépaner définition C'est quoi

Trepanation Definition Larousse Encyclopédie En Ligne Histoire De La Médecine

Trepan definition, a tool for cutting shallow holes by removing a core. The operation is performed with special instruments, including a trephine (or crown saw), forceps, and gouges.

Dental trephination surgical creation of a fistula by puncturing the soft tissue and bone overlying the root apex to provide drainage. It is typically associated with the skull. Trepanning, also known as trepanation, trephination, trephining or making a burr hole (the verb trepan derives from old french from medieval latin trepanum from greek trúpanon, literally borer, auger), is a surgical intervention in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the human skull.

Encyclopédie Larousse en ligne histoire de la médecine

Action de profaner, de souiller des objets ou des lieux sacrés :

The trephines are very similar to both ancient roman and modern ones.

A survey of trepanation, or trephination, the oldest surgical procedure known to humanity. Synonyms (drilling a hole in the skull): To bore (a shaft) with a trepan. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) rate this definition:

Action de dégrader, d'avilir ce qui est sacré, précieux :

The intentional perforation of the cranium exposes the dura mater to treat health problems. The practice of drilling a hole in the skull as a physical, mental, or spiritual treatment. Conversion d'une chose sacrée à un usage profane, en excluant toute idée de sacrilège. ‘it has a 45 mm by 30 mm hole in the top made by a gruesome procedure known as trepanation, where a portion of the bone was removed from a living and most likely conscious patient.’ ‘the ancient practice of trepanation involves drilling a hole into the skull of a living human being to relieve illness or release evil spirits.’

A hole in the skull produced surgically… see the full definition

Une profanation de la justice. (also trephination), in medicine, the surgical section of the medullary cavity of a bone. The operation is also known as trephination or trephining. It is typically associated with the skull.

Trepanning is a process whereby a hole is drilled in the skull, and, with evidence going back to prehistoric times, it is one of the oldest surgical practices in history.

Trepanation (countable and uncountable, plural trepanations) the practice of drilling a hole in the skull as a physical, mental, or spiritual treatment. With reverso you can find the french translation, definition or synonym for trépanation and thousands of other words. A hole in the head: The earliest trepanned skull was discovered at a neolithic burial site in france, and is more than 7,000 years old.

Many north american indian tribes, including kwatkiutl and pueblo indians, used techinques very similar to trepanation to treat the mentally ill (arnott, finger, & smith, 2003).

To bore or otherwise make a hole in (the skull), as in certain prehistoric cultures or in surgery using a trephine. Verb (1) 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1. The meaning of trepan is to use a trephine on (the skull). An instrument resembling a carpenter's brace and bit formerly used to remove circular.

Retrouvez la définition de trépanation.

It is one of the oldest medical procedures known to the human race. Wikipedia, lexilogos, larousse dictionary, le robert, oxford, grévisse | meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Removal of a circular piece of bone, especially of the skull, by a trephine.

Trepanation is the ancient practice of drilling a hole in the skull.

Trepanning is a type of surgery in which small holes are drilled into bone, and a piece of bone is removed. Trepanning, also known as trephination, trephining or making a burr hole, is a surgical intervention in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the human skull, exposing the dura mater to treat health problems related to intracranial diseases. The english word trepan comes from the greek word trypanon, which means auger or drill. First known use of trepan.

Médecine , craniotomie , boîte cranienne.

trépaner définition C'est quoi
trépaner définition C'est quoi

Encyclopédie Larousse en ligne histoire de la médecine
Encyclopédie Larousse en ligne histoire de la médecine
