(=jaillir) to come out of. An armed attack, especially one made from a place surrounded by enemy forces. The sudden issuing of a body of troops, usually small, from a besieged place to attack or harass the besiegers;
French English Bilingual Visual Dictionary Learning
Sortie papier, sortie de bain, sortie de secours, sortir.
[+cadre, compétence] to be outside.
Verb form used descriptively or to. An example of a sortie is a plane carrying out orders to bomb a site. English words for sortie include output, exit, outlet, release, outflow, outing, trip, sortie, way out and egress. The definition of a sortie is a mission by a military plane, or a raid made while being surrounded by an enemy.
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This is the meaning of sortir: A flight of a combat aircraft on a mission. [+maladie, mauvaise passe] to get over. Of surgere to raise up, to rise up.
A sortie (from the french word meaning exit) is a deployment or dispatch of one military unit, be it an aircraft, ship, or troops, from a strongpoint.
A sudden issuing of troops from a defensive position against the enemy. The entry and exit of foreigners to and from the territory of indonesia; She's coming out of hospital tomorrow. A) à l'entrée des étrangers sur le territoire indonésien et à leur sortie du territoire;
Faire une fausse sortie (literal, figurative) to make a stage exit.
See the translation of sortie with audio pronunciation, conjugations, and related words. (military) sally, sortie ”), the past participle of sortir (“ to exit, go out ”), from old french sortir, from latin sortīrī, the present active infinitive of sortior (“ to cast or draw lots; (en venant) to come out of. → le réflexe normal est de faire une sortie papier de tout ce qui a un tant soit peu d'importance.
An armed attack, especially one made from a place surrounded by enemy forces.
Exit, leaving, outing, release, exit, exit, exit, outing, release, sally, sortie, sortie, way. When you want to use it in conversational french,. Sortie definition, a rapid movement of troops from a besieged place to attack the besiegers. From the duolingo french dictionary:
The noun is borrowed from french sortie (“ act of exiting;
(lieu) at the school/factory gates. A sortie (from the french word meaning exit or from latin root surgere meaning to rise up) is a deployment or dispatch of one military unit, be it an aircraft, ship, or troops, from a strongpoint. The sortie rate is the number of sorties that a given unit can support in a given time. Over 100,000 french translations of english words and phrases.
Nf (sur imprimante) hard copy, printout.
To share ”), from sors (“ something used to determine chances, a lot;. One mission or attack by a single plane. [french, from feminine past participle of sortir, to go out, from old french.] american heritage® dictionary of the english. (en allant) to go out of.
(⇒ conjugate) sorties v 3rd person singular sortieing v pres p verb, present participle:
Basics of the french verb sortir first off, let’s start with some basics. Sortir (french)origin & history from old french, from latin sortīrī, present active infinitive of sortior, probably influenced by surrectus (through a vulgar latin form *surctus and its derivatives, possibly through a verb *surrectīre, surctīre).compare italian sortire, compare also spanish surtir. Sortir de (=quitter) to leave. A flight of a combat aircraft on a mission.
Sor·tied, sor·tie·ing, sor·ties to go on a sortie.
Faire une sortie papier de qch to print out a hard copy of sth. The term originated in siege warfare. [french, from feminine past participle of sortir, to go out, from old french.] Find more french words at wordhippo.com!
À la sortie de l’école/l’usine (moment) after school/work ⧫ when school/the factory comes out.
The sortie, whether by one or more aircraft or vessels, usually has a specific mission. Elle sort de l'hôpital demain. English words for sortir include exit, go out, come out, get, output, take out, pull, break out, step out and pop out. An example of a sortie is a group of fighters rising up against those who are coming for them.