Fungicida Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WP 50 Grs.

Ridomil Gold Mz 68 Wp MZ WG 500GR

Puede emplearse a intervalos de aplicación más extensos que los empleados con fungicidas usuales de protección. Ridomil gold mz 68 wp actúa sobre las esporas, impidiendo su germinación o causándoles la muerte antes.

(b) fill tank with clean water and add to it 1,0 litre household bleach (5%) or 1,5 litres household bleach (3,5%) per 200 litres of water. Ridomil gold mz 68 wg este fungicid pentru combaterea manei, cu actiune dubla: Datos de la empresa empresa comercializadora :

Nexles Deutschland Schädlingsbekämpfungsladen

Presentaciones ¼ l y 1 kg.

Ridomil gold® mz 68 wg is a leading fungicide for control of important diseases caused by the oomycete fungi.

Ridomil gold mz 68 wp. Make use of the following method: Fitocompatibilidad usado de acuerdo a las indicaciones ridomil gold mz 68 wp, es fitocompatible con los cultivos mencionados. Ridomil gold mz 68wg is a combination of a systemic and contact fungicide to be used as a foliar spray in a preventative disease control program for the control of early blight and late.

With the agitation system engaged, add the.

Componenta sistemica este absorbita rapid de partile verzi ale plantei, transportata acropetal si distribuita în planta. The suppression of pythium leak and pink rot in. Fungicida polvo mojable, de acción sistémica y de contacto, tiene efecto curativo y protectante a la vez. Ridomil® gold mz 68 wg es un fungicida sistémico y de contacto, de amplio espectro, destacando su acción sobre tizón tardío, mildiú y otras enfermedades que afectan a diversos cultivos (ver cuadro de instrucciones de uso).

Partly fill the spray tank with water.

Descriere ridomil gold mz 68 wg. Inhibuje rast a rozmnožovanie patogénnych húb. Ridomil gold mz 68 wp es un fungicida sistémico y de contacto efectivo para el control de enfermedades causadas por peronospora, phytophthora y otros hongos de la clase de los oomicetes. Ridomil gold® mz 68 wg is a leading fungicide for control of important diseases caused by the oomycete fungi.

En caso de duda se recomienda previamente realizar un ensayo de compatibilidad.

Page 4 of 9 blight on the foliage of potatoes; Wp (polvo mojable) contiene dos ingredientes activos, que le brindan acción sistémica preventiva y curativa sobre oomycetos. Start the agitation an add the correct amount of product to the spray tank with the agitation system running. Ridomil gold 68 wp metalaxyl + mancozeb n° de registro reg.

We deliver all over africa.

There are no reviews yet. Ridomil gold mz 68 wp je kombinirani fungicid za suzbijanje biljnih bolesti proizvođača syngenta crop protection ag. Fungal leaf spot diseases and damping off in vegetables. Using a combination of mefenoxam and mancozeb, ridomil gold ® mz wg controls diseases caused by the phycomycete family of fungi and other fungal pathogens that affect cucumbers, melons, summer squash, grapes, onions, potatoes, sugar.

Astfel, protejeaza planta din interior, precum si noile cresteri aparute la scurt timp dupa tratament.

Ridomil gold mz 68 ® wp. Be the first to review “ridomil 68 wg” cancel reply. Ridomil gold mz wg sds (781.05 kb) application advice; (a) drain tank then rinse tank, sprayer boom and hoses with clean water for at least 10 minutes.

Ridomil gold is a highly effective fungicide for the control.

Ridomil gold mz 68 wp je kombinirani fungicid sa sistemičnim i površinskim djelovanjem. Ridomil gold mz 68 wp. After application of ridomil gold mz 68wp. Ridomil gold mz is a fungicide for the control of early and late blight in potatoes and tomatoes, dryberry in canefruit, downy mildew in grapes, onions, cucurbits and brassica seedbeds, phytophthora spear rot in asparagus, phytophthora crown rot in asparagus transplants, and phytophthora root rots in tree nurseries.

To ensure proper coverage and distribution of spray solution, and to minimize drift, check to see that swath width and droplet size are adequate, and that wind velocities are low.

Ridomil gold controls soil and leaf diseases in a number of crops including vegetables, grapes, citrus, potatoes,ornamentals,tobacco and cotton. Ridomil gold mz 68 wg fungicide (1kg) ugx 85,000 ridomil gold is a systemic and contact fungicide for the control of early and late blight on potatoes, tomatoes, grapes; Puede emplearse a intervalos de aplicación más extensos que los empleados con fungicidas usuales de protección externa. 116 × 27 × 43 cm.

Mecanismo de acción ridomil gold mz 68 wp inhibe la síntesis del arn lo cual resulta en la no producción de esporas y en la inhibición del crecimiento del micelio del hongo.

Ridomil gold mz 68 wp, es compatible en mezcla de tanque con la mayoría de los insecticidas, acaricidas y fungicidas de uso agrícola. Ridomil gold mz 68 wp es de acción sistémica y protectante. Ridomil gold mz 68 wg je kombinirani fungicid sa sistemičnim i površinskim djelovanjem. Ficha tecnica ridomil gold mz 68 wp.

Ridomil gold is a highly effective fungicide for the control of oomycete fungi (including.

Ensure that all traces of ridomil gold mz 68 wg are removed. Make a thin slurry by stirring the required amount of ridomil gold mz 68wp with water in a pail. Ridomil gold mz 68 ® wp. Apply ridomil gold mz 68wp in a minimum of 50 l of water/ha.

By combining the two ingredients of mefenoxam and mancozeb, ridomil gold® mz provides excellent disease control from within the plant as well as externally.

Downy mildew in all crops including roses; Continue agitation while topping up the spray tank with water and while spraying. Ridomil gold controls soil and leaf diseases in a number of crops including vegetables, grapes, citrus, potatoes,ornamentals,tobacco and cotton. Fungicida sistémico y de contacto, de amplio espectro, destacando su acción sobre tizón tardío, mildiú y otras enfermedades que afectan a diversos cultivos (ver cuadro de instrucciones de uso).

Ridomil gold mz wg fungicide.


Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG 1kg Γραίγος
Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG 1kg Γραίγος

RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG, 25 g, fongicide Syngenta Nexles
RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG, 25 g, fongicide Syngenta Nexles

Ridomil gold MZ 68 WG 250 g Agromarket
Ridomil gold MZ 68 WG 250 g Agromarket

Ridomil Gold MZ 68WG
Ridomil Gold MZ 68WG


Nexles Deutschland Schädlingsbekämpfungsladen
Nexles Deutschland Schädlingsbekämpfungsladen
