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Prodigious Definition Exemplary Word Membean

Amazing or wonderful very impressive; A prodigious writer is one who can write a lot and do it well.

a stupendous field of grass ; Extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree : From longman dictionary of contemporary english prodigious pro‧di‧gious / prəˈdɪdʒəs / adjective [usually before noun] power very large or great in a surprising or impressive way prodigious amounts/quantities of something some galaxies seem.

Word of the Day Prodigious Words, Word of the day, Word

His activity was prodigious, and catharine called him her factotum.

1 remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree.

Something that is prodigious is very large or impressive. Colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple. Synonyms & antonyms of prodigious. Usb sticks can store prodigious amounts of information.

(adjective) tremendous task, huge size.

has a colossal nerve ; Stage magicians performing prodigious feats for rapt audiences. Prodigious might. prodigious of the nature of a prodigy; There is a prodigious fear of this court in the country—.

Prodigious synonyms, prodigious pronunciation, prodigious translation, english dictionary definition of prodigious.

Putnam, pointing at the whimpering betty: His prodigious mental activity continued undiminished to the last. Prodigious is defined as something very big or powerful, or something extraordinary. Prodigious extraordinary in bulk, extent, quantity, or degree;

That is a notorious sign of witchcraft afoot, goody nurse, a prodigious sign!

1 causing wonder or astonishment. Impressively great in size, force, or extent; Resembling or befitting a prodigy : Something exceptional, substantial, or great is prodigious.

And on the right, a bag or pouch divided into two cells, each cell capable of holding three of your majesty's subjects.

His prodigious literary activity led to his falling under the suspicions of the austrian police, and he was mixed up in a political trial and arrested in 1833. a prodigious storm ; ‘this process, as can be seen by the previous lexington example, burns a prodigious. Or far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree.

Prodigious definition, extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force, etc.:

A blizzard includes prodigious wind and snow. Extremely great in ability, amount, or…. Extremely great in ability, amount, or strength: A tall, huge wave that comes rolling into shore is an example of something prodigious.

‘it was obviously a big blow, but we have a prodigious amount of young talent at this club and it will give somebody else a chance to come in and fill his shoes.’.

Prodigious is a word for things that are impressive. (adj) so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe. ‘the stove consumed a prodigious amount of fuel’. Having thus, in obedience to your majesty's commands, diligently searched all his pockets, we observed a girdle about his waist made of the hide of some prodigious animal, from which, on the left side, hung a sword of the length of five men;

1 remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree.

colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple ; Extraordinary in bulk, extent, quantity or degree; | meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ‘his own prodigious creative talent was fuelled by the stuff of the everyday.’.

Act 3 (39% in) prodigious = enormous.

‘it was obviously a big blow, but we have a prodigious amount of young talent at this club and it will give somebody else a chance to come in and fill his shoes.’.

Exemplary Word prodigious Membean
Exemplary Word prodigious Membean

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prodigious definition Google Search Hot springs
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