Plinthe ou socle, nom des carreaux qui portent. ‘i was horrified when i got up to find the statue missing from its plinth.’. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected.
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A usually square block serving.
(latin plinthus, du grec plinthos, brique) 1.
It is a kind of waterproofing sheet laid above the ground floor level to protect the house from any damage because of added moisture. Plinthe f (plural plinthes) plinth; The design was some way after corbusier but the block was built up on plinths and. A block upon which the moldings of an architrave or trim are stopped at the bottom.
Membre plat et carré, tel que la face d'une base de colonne.
‘busts of the king and queen on marble plinths’. Baseboard (panel between floor and interior wall) further reading “plinthe”, in trésor de la langue française informatisé [digitized treasury of the french language], 2012. A projecting course of stones at the. A block or slab on which a pedestal, column, or statue is placed.
Skirting board, baseboard (panel between floor and interior wall).
Plinthos, deutsch ziegel) ist ein bauelement in der architektur. The base block at the intersection of the baseboard and the vertical trim around an opening. Plinth 'plinth' is a 6 letter word starting with p and ending with h crossword clues for 'plinth' Definition of plinthe in french dictionary;
Forums pour discuter de plinthe, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions.
Sie besteht aus einer in der regel einfach gehaltenen rechteckigen oder quadratischen fußplatte, welche die basis für ein aufragendes architekturelement bilden kann. Assise inférieure, à surface verticale plane (non moulurée), de la base d'une colonne ou d'un piédestal. 3 updated contact information, updated references, included mandatory le reporting for children, updated sak components with new kits, updated collection instructions to new kit components, updated ikts responsibilities of medical and le facilities. A plinth is the base that mounts and supports all of the remaining components necessary to achieve playback of a record.
A square base or a lower block, as of a pedestal.
The base on which a statue is placed. Plinth protects the rest of the house from dampness, mold and mildew. The lowest member of a base : Write a usage hint or an example and help to improve our dictionary.
A slablike member beneath the base of a column or pier.
Plinth block definition, a plinth interrupting a door or window architrave at the floor or ground level. Gives strength and durability to the residential unit. Add a note to the entry plinthe. 1963, margery allingham, “foreword”, in the china governess [1]:
It’s easy and only takes a few seconds.
A continuous course of stones supporting a wall. Assise continue formant saillie sur le nu des têtes d'un pont ou d'un autre ouvrage. An example of a plinth is a pedestal on. So bei pilastern und säulen.
(noun) the base component of a turntable used to play analog vinyl records.
Bande plate qui règne au pied d'un bâtiment, au bas d'un mur d'appartement. A usually upright pivot pin on which another part turns. Plinth ( plural plinths ) a block or slab upon which a column, pedestal, statue or other structure is based. 1 a heavy base supporting a statue or vase.
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Terme de ponts et chaussées. A square block, especially of stone, on which a column or a statue stands 2. The definition of a plinth is a square base or pedestal, or is the square base of a column. Revised “vi tim witness oordinator” definition, other updates per new legislation.
He turned back to the scene before him and the enormous new block of council dwellings.
Plinth (n.) flat, square table or slab under the molding of the base of a roman column;