T.) to harden, as hat bodies, by felting. To set down forcefully —usually used with down. Definitions and meaning of plank in english plank noun.
Pin on English Song meaning board
To lay on something, stomach down, with one's body held stiff like a plank.
A long, broad and thick piece of timber, as opposed to a board which is less thick.
Plank implying someone's has a thick head, more skull than brain. 1 a stout length of sawn timber. Cover with planks synonyms : T.) to splice together the ends of slivers of wool, for subsequent drawing.
Show english meaning(+) noun (1) an endorsed policy in the platform of a political party (2) a stout length of sawn timber (3) cook and serve on a plank (4) board.
‘as you lay the planks, use a hammer or mallet and a scrap piece of flooring to force the planks tightly together and assure a snug fit.’. Last edited on may 31 2004. To bake or broil and serve (fish or meat) on a plank: Definition of plank (entry 2 of 2) transitive verb.
One of the separate articles in a declaration of the principles of a party or cause.
Made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposes. One of the articles of a political platform. An endorsed policy in the platform of a political party. 4 ♦ walk the plank to be forced by pirates to walk to one's death off the end of a plank jutting out over the water from the side of a ship.
I do exercises to strengthen my.
To stake or pay cash; To furnish or cover with planks: 1 a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used especially in building and flooring. What does plank mean in english?
We hope this will help you in learning languages.
Plank meaning in hindi : Contextual translation of plank meaning into tagalog. Cook and serve on a plank. If you want to learn plank in english, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from afrikaans to english.
Milf, diyos, mindset, sentence, ditching, bludgeonings, ip affiliation.
Get detailed meaning of plank in hindi language.this page shows plank meaning in hindi with plank definition,translation and usage.this page provides translation and definition of plank in hindi language along with grammar, synonyms and antonyms.answer of question : A plank is a long, flat, rectangular piece of wood. To hold juices (michael stern). Board, beam, timber, stave more synonyms of plank.
1 a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used especially in building and flooring.
‘as you lay the planks, use a hammer or mallet and a scrap piece of flooring to force the planks tightly together and assure a snug fit.’. To stake or pay cash. It was very strong, made of three solid planks of wood. To cover, build, or floor with planks.
That which supports or upholds, as a board does a swimmer.
Plank ka matalab hindi me janiye. Boards specially made for planking food have grooves. What is meaning of plank in hindi dictionary? A political issue that is of concern to a faction or a party of the people and the political position that is taken on that issue.
A stout length of sawn timber;
3 one of the policies in a political party's programme. 2 something that supports or sustains. A stout length of sawn timber; See more words with the same meaning:
To cover or lay with planks.
We used a plank to cross the. From blackpool, united kingdom on may 31 2004. Literally, a plank is a piece of wood often used in the construction industry. As, to plank money in a wager.
To lay down, as on a plank or table;
Plank noun [c] (flat piece) a long, narrow, flat piece of wood or similar material, of the type used for making floors: An exercise in which you lie on your stomach and raise your body off the ground by pressing down on your hands until your arms are straight and then hold that position for a fixed period of time. To harden, as hat bodies, by felting. Made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposes synonyms :
To lay down, as on a plank or table;