To shade as with a parasol Another word for opposite of meaning of rhymes with sentences with find word forms translate from english translate to english words with friends scrabble crossword / codeword words starting with words ending with words containing exactly words containing letters pronounce find conjugations find names Prognoza mówi, że będzie padać, więc bierzemy parasol, a tymczasem spadają dwie krople, które na pewno nie są prawdziwym deszczem.
Kedayi (Tulu ಕೇದಯಿ) Pandanaceae (screwpine family
Synonyms for parasol include brolly, shade, umbrella, canopy, sunshade, gamp, bumbershoots, parapluie, bumbershoot and shelter.
Show examples (+) (1) i opened my parasol and held it behind my head to shade me from the sunlight.
A kind of small umbrella used by women as a protection from the sun. Notable flags, belonging to the gods, are as follows: As they stand at the end of the flowerbed, they both press the young woman's parasol into the soil. Show english meaning (+) noun.
Parare to ward off, sp.
If you are looking for the meaning of the word parasol now, you will find the meaning of a few thousand words here in addition to the meaning of the word parasol. (3) that's called an umbrella, also sometimes known as. What does parapluie mean in french? There were activist firebrands getting into loud political conversations with people who just wanted to belt back drinks with parasols in them.
Parare to prepare) + it.
The most comprehensive image search on the web. Here's how you say it in ${totallanguages} languages. Bangla meaning of parasol is as below. Find more similar words at!
Here words from one language are interpreted in another language.
The forecast says rain, so you take the umbrella, and in the end it maybe spits a little, but there is definitely no real rain. See parry, solar.] parasol verb. The parasol wings were conventional in design and. The plural form of parasol is parasols.
Such as english to tamil.
If you're nostalgic for gin slings, parasols and fly whisks, the white house rose garden was the place to be last week. (2) as they stepped out of the shade, she turned back to call jenny for her parasol. To be sure, one must only pick parasol mushrooms past their button stage. Traditional drums, music and glittering ornamental parasols accompany this procession of boys who dance in a trance.