The nasal surface of the This plate is located behind the nasal conchae. Per·pen·dic·u·lar plate of pal·a·tine bone [ta] the part of the palatine bone that extends vertically upward from the horizontal lamina;
Palatine bones
Medical definition of perpendicular plate.
The palatine bones contribute to the posterior part of the roof of the mouth and floor and lateral walls of the nose, the medial wall of the maxillary sinuses and the orbital floors.
The palatine bone is l shaped and is composed of the subsequent 2 plates: Orbital and sphenoidal processes are attached to the superior border of the perpendicular. The perpendicular plate of the palatine bone is the vertical line of the l. It forms part of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus.
Flattened from one side to the other, it presents two surfaces and four borders.
Both plates run up from the horizontal plate, articulating with the inferior nasal concha and sphenoid bone. The perpendicular plate has two surfaces: Perpendicular plate of palatine opposite the maxillary sinus, between the pterygoid plates of the sphenoid and the posterior margin of the alveolar process of the maxilla pyramidal process The nasal surface (facies nasalis) is concave and smooth, except in its caudal part, that is rough to receive the pterygoid.
It forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity.
Notably, the tumor can be exposed and dealt with under direct vision, which prevents damage to important stru. There are three processes, the pyramidal, orbital and sphenoidal. It contributes to delimitate laterally the guttural opening of the nasal cavity or choane. It forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity.
The perpendicular plate has two surfaces, nasal and maxillary and 4 borders, anterior, posterior, superior, and inferior.
Is the palatine bone a facial or cranial bone? The paired bones are the maxilla, palatine, zygomatic,. A flattened bony lamina of the ethmoid bone that is the largest bony part assisting in forming the nasal septum. A long thin vertical bony plate forming part of the palatine bone — compare horizontal plate.
The perpendicular plate of palatine bone continues from the lateral margin of the horizontal plate.
The vertical part (perpendicular plate) of the palatine bone is thin, of an oblong form, and presents two surfaces and four borders. Surfaces the nasal surface exhibits at its lower part a broad, shallow depression, which forms part of the inferior meatus of the nose. The facial bones include 14 bones, with six paired bones and two unpaired bones. It projects medially and unifies with its counterpart of opposite side to create the posterior quarter of the hard palate.
Perpendicular plate of palatine bone (redirected from lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini) per·pen·dic·u·lar plate of pal·a·tine bone [ta] the part of the palatine bone that extends vertically upward from the horizontal lamina;
The sphenoidal process forms the anterior aspect of the pharyngeal orpalatosphenoidal canal, which grooves the pterygoid process. It is a thin bone consisting of two plates ( horizontal, and perpendicular) and three processes ( pyramidal , orbital, and sphenoidal ). The palatine bone (os palatinum) is a paired bone. Individual palatine bone is an alphabet l shaped bone with a horizontal plate, perpendicular plate and three processes:
It also possesses the following 3 processes:
Bent over itself, the palatine bone includes a transverse part, called the horizontal plate, and a more or less vertical part, the perpendicular plate. The perpendicular plate forms the medial wall of the pterygopalatine fossa and part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The palatine bones are located at the back of the nasal cavity, between the maxillae and the sphenoid. This plate also features the sphenopalatine notch.
Perpendicular plate of palatine bone.
The orbital and sphenoidal processes define the sphenopalatine notch. The perpendicular plate is the vertical part of the palatine bone. Each palatine bone somewhat resembles the letter l, and consists of a horizontal plate, a perpendicular plate, and three projecting processes — the pyramidal process, which is directed backward and lateral from the junction of the two parts, and the orbital and sphenoidal processes, which surmount the vertical part, and are separated by a deep notch, the sphenopalatine notch. This part takes part in the constitution of the bony vault of the palate, caudally to the palatine process of the maxilla.
Nasal cavity with conchae palatine bone anatomy
You can see the positions of the three nasal conchae below. The facial bones of the skull form the upper and lower jaws, the nose, nasal cavity and nasal septum, and the orbit. Nasal surface and maxillary surface. The latter is free in the intermediate part, but articulates in front with the ethmoidal crest of the frontal process of the maxilla and behind with the ethmoidal crest of the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone.
The labyrinth’s middle meatus is a space lateral to the middle concha that has the following characteristics.
The tubercle (pyramidal process), which is directed backwards, laterally and downwards from the junction of the horizontal and perpendicular plate, and the orbital and sphenoidal processes, which surmount the.

