The elytra are covered with small pits and patches of short golden hairs. A autoridade científica da espécie é fabricius, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1775. Sulcatus caused severe damage to blackcurrant and strawberry at lincoln college, new zealand, in 1974.
Otiorhynchus sulcatus uk beetles
Black vine weevil (otiorhynchus sulcatus) is an insect native to europe but common in north america as well.
Adults vine weevils are around 1cm in length, have a long snout (rostrum) and elbowed antennae.
The strawberry root weevil, otiorhynchus ovatus (l.), and the rough strawberry root weevil, otiorhynchus rugosostriatus (goeze), are two related root weevils that also are common. Black vine weevil on yew. Gorgojo, gorgojos (otiorhynchus sulcatus)• otiorrhynchus, es un escarabajo negruzco de 1 centímetro de alimenta de noche y se oculta de día. Los adultos hacen la puesta de huevos en primavera y en verano, y el daño acontece entre otoño y primavera.
4 (1 = rare 5 = annual) severity.
The vine weevil (otiorhynchus sulcatus f.; 2 (1 = very little damage 5 = plants killed) hosts. Until the early nineteenth century this species was restricted to central and northern europe but with increased trade it rapidly expanded; (fabricius, 1775) otiorhynchus sulcatus é uma espécie de insetos coleópteros polífagos pertencente à família curculionidae.
One of these pests is the black vine weevil (otiorhynchus sulcatus), which is from the curculionidae family.
Otiorhynchus (dorymerus) sulcatus (fabricius 1775) size. One exception is the black vine weevil otiorhynchus sulcatus, a pest of many ornamental and horticultural crops throughout the temperate regions of the world (moorhouse et al., 1992). According to morris (1997), o. Although they have similar habits neither is as damaging to plants.
The larvae feed primarily on plant roots but also girdle the crowns of their host plants.
Ovatus ), are important pests, both. It is a pest of many garden plants. Pruning of the roots of blackcurrant by the larvae significantly reduced cane growth, but had no. Otiorhynchus (sometimes misspelled as otiorrhynchus) is a large genus of weevils in the family curculionidae.
3 november 2012 ó international.
The weevil otiorhynchus sulcatus is a pest species that has spread rapidly to large parts of the world due to human activities. 27 june 2012 / accepted: The head is narrow, the thorax is medium and rounded, and the wing covers are broad and well rounded. It is a pest of many garden plants.
19 october 2012 / published online:
Adults often come into homes to hibernate. Roberts, j.m., kundun, j., rowley, c., hall, d.r., douglas, p., and pope, t.w. Many species of the genus, particularly the black vine weevil ( o. It was first recorded in the new world in 1831 and is now widespread through the united states and canada, and the modern distribution includes most of europe, central.
As an adult it has a wide host range to include both.
Both are smaller in size, but generally the same shape as the black vine weevil. They have a dark, matt appearance and orange tufts of hair on the wing cases (elytra). Otiorhynchus sulcatus (fabr.), a curculionid beetle damaging ornamental plants in nurseries. Critters, insects, and various enemies will go to work to ensure your garden does not produce healthy, beautiful produce.
Sulcatus is extremely polyphagous and found to attack a large number of agricultural and horticultural plant species.
122849 (for references in articles please use ncbi:txid122849) current name Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of adult vine weevil, otiorhynchus. The wing covers have fine yellow hairs and conspicuous corrugations which appear as lines down the back. Otiorhynchus sulcatus name synonyms curculio strictus gmelin, 1790 curculio sulcatus fabricius, 1775 otiorhynchus linearis stierlin, 1861 otiorhynchus pseudolinearis reitter, 1914 otiorhynchus sayi boheman, 1843 otiorrhynchus sulcatus (fabricius, 1775) homonyms otiorhynchus sulcatus (fabricius, 1775) common names
• las larvas son blancas, miden 1 centímetro, tienen la cabeza marrón y no poseen patas.
Sulcatus) and the strawberry root weevil ( o. Native to europe, adventive and widespread in na (less common in central regions) and australasia ( 1) habitat. Sulcatus is very highly polyphagous and a pest of house plants, garden, greenhouse and orchard crops, as well as vines (in continental europe).