
Onduline Easyfix ONDULINE EASYFIX Produit (particuliers)

Start laying sheets over the gutter with 7 cm overhang maximum. Izgled krova je posebno lep zahvaljujući modernom profilu i svetlim bojama.

Монтажът на листовете onduline easyfix® се извършва в няколко лесни стъпки. Teljesen új megjelenés (cseréphatás) és vonzó élénk színek jellemzik, tökéletesen illeszkedik egy kerti tároló, kocsibeálló, kis faépület, garázs, játszóház vagy kerti pavilon tetejé onduline easyfix nagyon ötletes felrakással. If you take care of the cows, the cows will take care of you.

ONDULINE EASYFIX produit Onduline (particuliers)

Без конкретни умения, можете направите всичко сами да и да се гордеете с работата си!

Ploče onduline easyfix savršeno su rešenje koje možete sami da postavite na vaše pomoćne objekte.

The look of the roof is enhanced thanks to a modern profile, associated to new bright colors in line with most regional roofing cultures. To také umožňuje opětovné zastřešení, a to i na poškozených. Вълнообразните листове са гъвкави и са подходящи за всякакви покриви (нови или за реновиране на стари) на временни постройки. Homeowners appreciate onduline roofing systems for their multiple advantages:

Монтажът на листовете onduline easyfix® се извършва в няколко лесни стъпки.

Intense red, intense green, intense brown, intense black, new intense ceramic,. Strešne plošče onduline easyfix so idealna rešitev za pokrivanje dvoriščnih pomožnih objektov. Onduline easyfix is available in 10 colors: Onduline easyfix roofing sheets is designed as a do it yourself roofing solution, to cover leisure housing and garden sheds roofs.

Onduline easyfix je vhodný pro jakoukoli střechu na vaší zahradě nebo přístavbu domu.

Onduline easyfix is the perfect do it yourself roofing solution, adapted to leisure housing and garden sheds roofs. Onduline easyfix are linii noi care se suprapun, ajută la securizarea hidroizolației și la alinierea plăcilor fără a mai face masurători. Az onduline easyfix bitumenes tetőlemezek tökéletes megoldást nyújtanak bármilyen kerti építmény és melléképület fedésére. Onduline easyfix® е подходящо решение за всякакви покриви в градината.

This gives you the perfect fit between your annexe building and your house roof.

Ce “liant intelligent” possède une grande élasticité et se resserre solidement sur chaque point de fixation pour créer une barrière antifuite permanente. Листовете onduline easyfix® са решение за привлекателни, дълготрайни и оцветени в ярки цветове покриви за всякакъв вид временни постройки. Suprafața plăcii este aspră și, prin urmare, mai puțîn alunecoasă atunci când. Garden sheds, summerhouses, workshops or child’s playhouse.

Installation could be realized either on full deck (recommended) or on discontinuous support (37 cm between.

2000mm x 810mm wide and 2.6mm thick. Onduline is a lightweight roofing solution ideal for both houses and outbuildings. Montaža je preprosta in jo lahko opravite sami. Alb (roofers) albastru (roofers) negru (roofers) brun (roofers) brun clar (roofers) green (roofers)

Onduline easyfix intègre également la technologie exclusive sealsmart.

Onduline easyfix revêt l’ensemble des exigences requises pour ce type de travaux et d’usages : Desky jsou ohebné, díky čemuž jsou vhodné pro všechny druhy střešních konstrukcí, i ty staré. Red, green, brown, black intense colors (with a bright finish): Asfaltová deska taškového tvaru 200 x 81 cm.

The flat sections allow you to move on the roof.

Secțiunile plate vă permit să vă deplasați pe acoperiș. Nisu potrebne posebne veštine, što znači da krovni pokrivač možete postaviti sami, sa prijateljima ili porodicom. Les plaques onduline easyfix présentent par ailleurs une garantie à l’étanchéité de 10 ans. Vengono utilizzate per la copertura di annessi da giardino, posti auto, casette in legno, gazebo ecc.

Flat and corrugated roof sheet for a modern look to any garden structure:

Onduline easyfix sheets provide an attractive, colored and long lasting finishing to a wide variety of garden buildings. Onduline easyfix has new overlapping lines that help to secure the waterproofing and the alignment of the sheets without any measurements. Onduline easyfix est une plaque de couverture au design moderne idéal pour la couverture de garages, annexes, carports. La plaque innovante onduline easyfix s’avère être la solution de couverture idéale pour les particuliers souhaitant allier esthétisme et praticité pour la réalisation de leurs patios, garages, abris de jardin, etc.

Le lastre onduline® easyfix sono leggere e facili da installare.

Simplicité et rapidité d’installation, étanchéité parfaite. It features a unique technology that combines cellulosic fibres and selected bitumen for better waterproofing performance. Bitumen sheets and associated roofing accessories are extremely lightweight. Their lightweight makes them easy to carry, transport and manipulate.

Onduline easyfix® се монтира интуитивно:

Zaradi popolnoma nove oblike in privlačnih svetlih barv so primerne za pokrivanje dvoriščnih objektov, lesenih hišic, garaž, ut, otroških igrišč ali različnih nadstreškov. The surface of the sheet is rough and therefore less slippery when moving on the roof. Onduline is a lightweight roofing solution ideal for both houses and outbuildings.

ONDULINE EASYFIX produit Onduline (particuliers)
ONDULINE EASYFIX produit Onduline (particuliers)

Onduline płyta falista bitumiczna Easyfix ONDULINE
Onduline płyta falista bitumiczna Easyfix ONDULINE

Onduline płyta falista bitumiczna Easyfix ONDULINE
Onduline płyta falista bitumiczna Easyfix ONDULINE

ONDULINE EASYFIX produit Onduline (particuliers)
ONDULINE EASYFIX produit Onduline (particuliers)


Plaque ONDULINE® Easyfix Couverture toiture Charpente
Plaque ONDULINE® Easyfix Couverture toiture Charpente

ONDULINE EASYFIX Products Professionals Onduline
ONDULINE EASYFIX Products Professionals Onduline
