Notionally allocated assets means the xs benefits assets that are notionally allocated to each qualifying policyholder proportionally based on each policy’s uncovered benefits gross premium reserve ( the gross premium reserve of benefits in excess of the ga cap ). See notional ‘some labor figures dismiss this poll, questioning its methodology, and especially doubting if the preferences would fall the way newspoll has notionally distributed them.’. You can complete the definition of notionally given by the english definition dictionary with other english dictionaries:
Minor Notional Parts of Speech Meet the Pronoun
Adult social services departments throughout wales have overspent their notional allocation from the assembly government this year.
Existing only as an idea, not as something real:
Hypothetical, ideal, abstract, theoretical more synonyms of notional. [formal].the notional value of state assets. Examples of how to use “notionally” in a sentence from the cambridge dictionary labs The word did is notional in we did the work and relational in we did not agree.
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The notionally allocated assets shall be allocated separately for each. Notional definition, pertaining to or expressing a notion or idea. Abstract, theoretical, or speculative, as reflective. United was notionally considering one or two other markets for p.s.
(formal) jump to other results.
Notional funds shall be the amount in excess of net assets that sbfm and the advisor have agreed will be employed in determining the level of trading by the advisor on behalf of the partnership. Of the nature of a notion or idea: Of, containing, or being a notion; Existing in the mind only :
Of, relating to, or being a notion or idea :
Definition of notionally in english: Notionally in a notional manner; Wikipedia, lexilogos, oxford, cambridge, chambers harrap, wordreference, collins lexibase dictionaries, merriam webster. Having full lexical, as distinguished from relational, meaning.
Existing only as an idea, not as something….
Linguistics understood in terms of semantic content rather than grammatical structure. A notional response to the question. In a way that does not exist in reality but only as an idea or theory. Given to foolish or fanciful moods or ideas.
Tague said.a posher domestic first class notionally valued at.
To inhabit a notional world. Notionally meaning in urdu 1259. “have” is notional in “we have a problem” and relational in “we have solved a problem”. Characteristic of a notion or concept, esp in being speculative or imaginary;
This tax cut is notionally for one year, but reversing it would be difficult.
Something that is notional exists only in theory or as a suggestion or idea, but not in reality. Relating to, expressing, or consisting of notions or ideas. Pertaining to or expressing a notion or idea. Uk english definition of notionally along with additional meanings, example sentences, and ways to say.
Under the splitting tariff , the overall income of the spouses is aggregated, notionally allocated to each spouse as to 50% and then taxed accordingly.
Search notionally and thousands of other words in english definition and synonym dictionary from reverso. Notional value is a term often used to value the underlying asset in a derivatives trade. Find 44 ways to say notional, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.