When they hear doubts about these theories, the faithful immediately counterattack with accusations of stupidity, blindness, brainwashing. Browse 63 nibiru stock photos and images available, or search for planet x or earth to find more great stock photos and pictures. As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet earth.
Nibiru X August 29, 2019 Update YouTube
He said that it corroborates our reporting on the south pole telescope disclosure videos in 2008.…
Purveyors of the bizarre theory were proven wrong on the morning of september […]
He will come upon the whole earth as a lion from the thicket and he will make the cities lay in ruin and to be without inhabitants. Conspiracy theorists widely touted nibiru’s imminent arrival on september 23, 2017, after misinterpreting passages in the bible’s book of revelation. According to recent reports, the world will cease to exist in 2019, when planet nibiru rams into earth. Well, it just got stranger.
This has not been fulfilled yet but it will be fulfilled in these days that you are now in, for it is the end.
Sedna, a minor planet takes an incredible 11,400 earth years to finish one trip around the sun. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as planet x. Jews, come home to israel Nibiru, also known as wormwood or planet x, is a supposedly wayward planet, which destroys the earth every 3,600 years or so.
One au is equal to about 93 million miles which is the average.
It is also my understanding that there will be more than one period of darkness on the earth. With some possibly credible scientific paper behind it, a new theory of eccentric orbits and planar angles has popped up: Nibiru has been classified as the ninth planet in our solar system and the planet of the crossing. There have been reports of planet x, nibiru or ninth planet coming to earth in august 2018.
The problem with 7x, with gill broussard, immanuel velikovsky in 1950, and the rest of the planet x or nibiru is that the theory rapidly converts into a religious sect.
Nibiru is the home of the annuanki who viewed the mulmul… Planet x/nibiru aug 26, 2019, 7:23 pm anonymous the point is not to prove that it’s real but how focusing on the situations (chaos) around us when it happens can make fear to easily enter into your heart!!! When asked by (the very rare conspiratorial) friend, can you see nibiru throught that 'giant' telescope you have?, i send them this: Elenin was said to be nibiru (planet x) and to be very large causing great changes and catastrophes on earth in late 2011.
From left, anna rabinova , marie rossano , peter kenote , max zeugner and.
I was having a dream within a dream which was unique but in that dream, i was […] Nibiru planet x news 2019. This message is in three segments that father is now having me release as one message. The claim seems plausible that nibiru supposedly has an orbital period of 3,600 earth years.
The destroyer of nations, found in jeremiah chapter 4 which is called nibiru or planet x, is on his way.
Nasa warning nibiru planet x is coming to earth.the real story of nibiru (planet x)first we go once again back to the creation sto. Home alien aliens ancient anomalies anomaly archaeology astrobiology et nobel peace prize sighting sightings ufo ufos vreemdelinge waarneming possible nibiru planet x seen near earths sun, nov 24, 2019, ufo sighting news. The real story of nibiru (planet x)first we go once again back to the creation story of mesopotamiathe sumerians always described their gods as planets start. Researchers dealing with the issue of planet x or as it is called the planet nibiru, said that this mysterious planet is inexorably approaching the earth and from september 2020 to january 2021 on our planet due to the impact of nibiru, there will be a catastrophic and irreversible changes.
Scientists use astronomical units, or aus to measure some of the vast distances in the cosmos.
Does it take nibiru 3,607 years to complete one orbital journey?