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Masticator Space Boundaries PPT Pariyanan Jaruchinda Department Of Otolaryngology

Contents • muscles of mastication • ramus and body of mandible • inferior alveolar nerve • inferior alveolar vein and artery • mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (v3): Expansion of the space with aging, secondary to weakness of the anterior and inferior boundaries, results in formation of the jowl.

It is separated from the adjacent face and neck spaces by a superficial layer of deep cervical fascia except superiorly, where it freely communicates with the external temporal fossa, which may be considered as an upper. The infratemporal fossa (itf) is an anatomic space with irregular boundaries, encompassing the masticator and upper parapharyngeal spaces (upps) and located below the floor of the middle cranial fossa. The ms as the name implies consists of the masticator muscles (medial and lateral pterygoid, temporalis and masseter) and the posterior body and ramus of the mandible along with the mandibular nerve and the internal maxillary artery.

Management of parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal space

Unlike the itf it is clearly a fascia enclosed space.

Masticator space malignancy can spread perineurally via the mandibular division of the.

The pps is surrounded by other spaces that are bound by the superficial (investing), middle (buccopharyngeal), and deep (prevertebral) layers of the deep cervical fascia. This approach avoids the mandibular branch of the facial nerve6. Primary tumors are uncommon, usually benign and of a vascular or neural origin. Extends from skull base to the inferior edge of the mandible.

This space is located anterolateral to the pps (fig.

Because clinical assessment of lesions in this space may be difficult, ct and mr imaging is important for the characterisation and mapping of the pathology. Infections usually only occupy one of these compartments, but severe or long standing infections can spread to involve the entire masticator space. Can the radiologist and surgeon speak the same language? Inferior mandibular margin (although the parotid tail can extend further inferiorly below the angle of the mandible) 1;

The masticator space (ms), buccal space (bs), and infratemporal fossa (if) are discussed in this chapter as the sites of origin for mass lesions of the head and neck.

Ms boundaries (yellow dotted lines) on a coronal ct section (soft tissue window) with contents, lateral pterygoid (lp), medial pterygoid (mp), masseter (m). The parotid space is circumscribed by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia 1: The buccal space is bounded anterior to the masticator space and lateral to the buccinator muscle with no true superior or inferior boundary and consists of adipose tissue (the buccal fat pad that fills the greater part of the space), the stensen duct, the facial artery and vein, lymphatic vessels, minor salivary glands, and branches of cranial nerves vii and ix. The masticator space as an anatomical and functional entity centered on the mandibular ramus, which divides it into medial and lateral compartments.

Enters the masticator space via the foramen ovale boundaries and relations • anteriorly:

The masticator space is a deep facial space that is outlined by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia , , and lies laterally and evenly in front of the prestyloid space, medial to the pharyngeal space and beneath the skull base. The roof of the parapharyngeal space (pps) is poorly defined. 1 in turn, the masticator space includes the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, the tendon of the temporalis muscle, internal maxillary. The masticator space is a deep facial space with a complex anatomical structure.

Medial to the premasseter space is the buccal fat in the masticator space, which descends with aging and contributes to the.

The masticator space contains the mastication muscles, ramus of the mandible, and mandibular nerve. The anterior margin of the masseter muscle anteriorly, the parotid gland posteriorly, the zygomatic arch superiorly, the inferior border of the mandible inferiorly, the lateral surface of the mandibular ramus. Although it is generally described as having prestyloid and poststyloid compartments, we believe that these terms are imprecise. Apex of the mastoid process 3;

The purpose of the present study was to precisely define the masticator space to eliminate the use of obsolete and confusing terms to describe the area, and to illustrate the common mass syndromes.

The abscess is drained via a. The boundaries of each submasseteric space are: The compartments of the masticator space are located on either side of the mandibular ramus and on either side of the temporalis muscle. It may be affected by developmental, neoplastic or infectious lesions.

An extraoral approach allows for dependent drainage of the masticatory space at the insertion of the muscle sling on the inferior border at the mandibular angle6.

Therefore, we define its boundaries, partition, and compartments. The masticator space (ms), buccal space (bs), and infratemporal fossa (if) are discussed in this chapter as the sites of origin for inflammatory, and almost always infectious, conditions of the head and neck. These areas are most often secondarily involved sites in several common inflammatory conditions such as dental abscess ( chapter 97 ); The anatomic boundaries of the pps are listed in box 1.

The reader is referred to other sources for detailed anatomy of the facial layers.

The submasseteric space may be entered by dissecting at the external mandibular angle of the mandible.

PPT Anatomy of Head and Neck Infections PowerPoint
PPT Anatomy of Head and Neck Infections PowerPoint

PPT Anatomy of Head and Neck Infections PowerPoint
PPT Anatomy of Head and Neck Infections PowerPoint


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