This page shows lighter and darker color variations of maroon, and you can find more similar colors within the red color codes category. Maroon is a shade of red, a color that is associated with intensity. In the hsv/hsb scale, red maroon has a hue of 0°, 92% saturation and a brightness value of 56%.
Maroon Cromalam
Discover beautiful maroon color palettes on color hunt.
Colours that go well with maroon tone combination palettes ` collect #490000 #5b0000 #7b0000.
For this reason, we need to go bit by bit with a lot of care until we realize the desired shade of maroon. The word maroon comes from the french word marron which means chestnut . It is not as vibrant as the red color and dimmer than burgundy. The maroon color is also used in decorations.
At its core, maroon is an incredibly passionate color.
It enjoys and appreciates the satisfaction that comes with having such an upbeat outlook on life. Whereas in a cmyk color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 100% magenta, 100% yellow and 49.8% black. Maroon color palettes find a great color palette from color hunt's curated collections It is also common for maroon colors to contain a tinge of brown or purple.
The maroon color is a shade of red and has a hex code value of #800000, has a rgb value of rgb (128,0,0), and has maroon as its css name.
Css color name hex code value rgb code value hsl code value; Pms 202 c maroon pms: Maroon color meaning is often linked to something that you are passionate about. Passion, love, anger, energy and danger can all be linked with red, however maroon’s more muted tone means it is less likely to make that impression.
Maroon doesn’t do anything halfheartedly.
The cmyk color codes, used in printers, are c:0 m:95 y:100 k:68. The color maroon is dark, brownish red. In a rgb color space, hex #800000 (also known as maroon) is composed of 50.2% red, 0% green and 0% blue. Maroon (html/css) html, css or hex color code for color maroon (html/css) is #800000.
The leaves which would fall off the tree change their color.
Each color scheme contains the html color codes you will need when coding your website template. Maroon colors are often seen during the autumn and harvest time; The combo library contains pages of maroon color combinations (a.k.a, color schemes and color palettes) for you to choose from. The word 'maroon' comes from the french for red ('ron') and can refer to either an intense or deep shade. in fact, maroons have been used as symbols of freedom because they were originally associated with royalty before becoming popular among commoners during medieval times when it became worn by those who worked at night as prostitutes under.
This hue undoubtedly has pep in its step.
The equivalent rgb values are (143, 11, 11), which means it is composed of 87% red, 7% green and 7% blue. In the hsv/hsb scale, dark maroon has a hue of 3°, 100% saturation and a brightness value of 32%. The maroon color can be attained by combining the three primary colors; Maroon color codes maroon hex color:
In order to make maroon, mixing the colors red and brown is done.
As adjectives the difference between maroon and burgundy is that maroon is associated with maroon culture communities or peoples or maroon can be of a maroon color while burgundy is of a deep red color like that of burgundy. The maroon color represents intense and passionate things. Maroon rgb color code = #800000 = 128*65536+0*256+0 = (128, 0, 0) red = 128, green=0, blue=0. It can also pertain to confidence, beauty, warmth, courage, love, ambition, strength, excitement, and power.
Here is how to reach maroon by mixing these colors.
Maroon is a dark burgundy color. The similarity of colors can be determined by the name or using special formula to calculate distance between different named colors. Maroon is a darker shade of red. Dark maroon has the hex code #510400.
However, there is no exact ratio for mixing these three colors.
Instead, it leads with great enthusiasm and has a zest for life. Maroon is a dark red color. The sets below has both types (similar by name and closer in distance) Burgundy is actually a dull purplish red which takes it name from the color of the wine produced in the burgundy region of france.
( 0° , 1% , 128% ).
Here are the different color shades of burgundy. The equivalent rgb values are (81, 4, 0), which means it is composed of 95% red, 5% green and 0% blue. Details of other color codes including. A color of intense passion.
It is done by mixing the shade of red and violet or blue.
Maroon is a dark brownish red. Its name is taken from the french word marron, meaning chestnut. Maroon is considered a formal, sumptuous and classic color. The first recorded use of maroon as a color name in english was in 1789.