This color combination was created by user color man. English language names are approximate. Shades of maroon color palette created by linavu that consists #562424,#6d3636,#924444,#a94c4c,#c17171 colors.
Shades Of Maroon Color Palette Maroon color palette
55 navy and maroon color schemes.
Colours that go well with maroon and gold tone combination palettes ` collect.
This color combination was created by user color man.the hex, rgb and cmyk codes are in the table below. Maroon 5 color palette created by sienacat6 that consists #944e4e,#9a5858,#dd7474,#c97e7e,#a75d5d colors. Beige and brown, blue and red, brown and blue, charcoal, color of garnet, color of pomegranate, color of wood, garnet color, maroon, red and brown, shades of red, wine, wine color, winter color 2016, winter color combination 2016. Colours that go well with deep pink and maroon tone combination palettes ` collect #3f0419.
The burgundy hex code is #800020.
Join htmlcolors now and start commenting. Maroon color codes / shades of maroon. Similar pantone color name information, color schemes, light / darkshades, tones, similar colors , preview the color and download photoshop swatch and solid color background image 93 23 37 cmyk 19 82 44 54 pms 505 hex #a69f88 rgb 166 159 136 cmyk 11 13 30 32 pms 7536 hex #a9431e rgb 169 67 30 cmyk 5 83 100 27 pms 1675 hex #bdd6e6 rgb 189 214 230 cmyk 27 4 1 1 pms 544 hex.
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Maroon is a mix of red and brown, while burgundy is a mix of red and purple. Msstate color palette primary maroon colors support colors. Click on a color combinations name to test it out. Maroon is a dark burgundy color.
Colours that go well with maroon tone combination palettes ` collect #490000 #5b0000 #7b0000.
2289768 add to favorites #160b00 #637d17 #69b420 #d4e020 #cfe578. Colours that go well with maroon and maroon tone combination palettes ` collect #6b1806. Download color palette share this color palette with your friends! The combo library contains pages of maroon color combinations (a.k.a, color schemes and color palettes) for you to choose from.
The hex codes can be found underneath each of the color swatches.
This makes burgundy slightly brighter in appearance than maroon and gives it more of a purplish tinge. Login to add palette to your favorites. Colours that go well with navy and maroon tone combination palettes. The maroon gradient color scheme palette has 6 colors which are maroon (#800000), sangria (#8d070e), ruby red (#9b0d1c), wine red (#a8142a), american red (#b61a38) and bright maroon (#c32146).
Each color scheme contains the html color codes you will need when coding your website template.
2295342 add to favorites #361911 #62150e #8c5411 #cb7600 #c6a051. 728 maroon and maroon color schemes. Png image of maroon color palette. 2285445 add to favorites #3a4630 #2fc44a.
Maroon color palettes find a great color palette from color hunt's curated collections
The word 'maroon' comes from the french for red ('ron') and can refer to either an intense or deep shade. in fact, maroons have been used as symbols of freedom because they were originally associated with royalty before becoming popular among commoners during medieval times when it became worn by those who worked at night as prostitutes under. Color space information rich maroon ( similar ) color | ae2f71. Discover beautiful maroon color palettes on color hunt. The maroon & brown color scheme palette has 6 colors which are deep maroon (#830001), peru (#b98443), saddle brown (#8d4414), seal brown (#56260e), brown yellow (#ce9969) and bright maroon (#c42146).
78 maroon and gold color schemes.
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