Sigma secara resmi memperkenalkan lensa ini dalam kategori super telephoto zoom, dengan fitur utamanya adalah panjang fokal yang begitu panjang. Its a great combo even hand held for bif. Autofocus is leisurely, so it's not ideal for action, but for nature, landscapes and portraits where you really need 500mm, go for it!
Obiektyw tele statyw Sigma 150500mm HSM Nikon
Makes lens less visible to wildlife.
Langka lensa manual mirror kenko 500mm f6.3dx bokeh donut for nikonrp2.950.000:
Covering a telephoto range up to. However adding a nikon 1.4x is a bad idea. It is ideal for nature, outdoor photographers, sports shooters and photojournalists. During that very helpful thread i came to the conclusion based on other peoples experiences that it would be worth trying a long focal length in.
By richard peters 10 august 2011 this isn't the opening phrase you'd expect to hear a lens review start with, but here goes:
Contohnya saya mantengin terus kaskus dan akhirnya saya menemukan jodoh di agan ini yang ngejual lensa 85m f 1.8 yang mulus seperti tulisan di lapaknya tentang keadan barang jualan. Special elements used in this design is 3 sld glass elements. It offers quite useful close focusing (7.2 ft) and two modes of what they deem optical stabilization (os.) Neither nikon nor canon offers any zoom beyond 300 or 400mm, and this lens' price, at $1,000, is very reasonable.
Sigma 500mm f/4 dg os hsm sports lens for nikon / canonrp90.940.000
Daftar isi [ sembunyikan] 10 rekomendasi lensa tele kamera terbaik. The rule (not mine) is that telconvertors should always be the same brand and the lens. Saya ucapkan terimakasih gan klo ada barang lgi jangan lupa hub saya. Dengan adanya optical stabilizer plus accelerometer tentu membuat lensa ini sangat stabil dan tidak blur saat kamu gunakan untuk memotret walau kamera sedikit bergoyang.
Some of you may have followed my recent thread on the dof of the nikon micro nikkor 105mm f2.8 vr.
It offers quite useful close focusing (7.2 ft) and two modes of what they deem optical stabilization (os.)