
Laserliner Multifinder Pro MultiFinder Detector Universal 080.966A

Én knap for at skifte mellem de forskellige målemetoder. The laserliner 080.966a multifinder pro electronic scanner is a universal detector for locating live wires, wooden beams, metal, copper and iron.

Camera, drone photo accessorie ; Скенер за стени laserliner multifinder pro. 87080966 laserliner multifinder pro scanner.

Laserliner MasterLevel Compact Plus Trade Survey

Laserliner multifinder pro £ 77.99 price incl.

Home electrical testing stud finders.

Skift mellem de forskellige typer og selve målingerne sker med tryk på én knap, så måleren er meget brugervenlig. The multifinder is equipped with laserliner zu einem leistungsfähigen ortungsgerät. Multifinder plus er et universelt måleapparat til lokalisering af træ, metaller og spændingsførende ledninger. Electronic scanner several integrated sensors make the multifinder pro to a highly effective detection tool.

The user guide on the lc display makes the multifinder plus easy and reliable to use.;

In metal mode detects concealed lines even when they’re not live! Превключване между различните функции само. In metal mode the scanner detects concealed lines even when they’re not live. Vysoká spolehlivost přístroje při vyhledávání předmětů.technická data:

Adjusts the device to different surfaces immediately after.

Universal detector for locating live wires, wood beams, metal, copper and iron. Enables targeted location of metal objects as heating and water pipes. The multifinder is equipped with an lc display with user guide, ensuring easy and reliable operation. Multifinder pro 080.966a 4 021563 703630 5 multifinder pro inclusive softbag + battery packing dimension (w x h x d) 175 mm x 265 mm x 72 mm wood metal copper iron voltage warning umarex gmbh & co.

Acoustic and visual detection signals.

High performance metal detection device with depth display and voltage warning. Der multifinder pro lokalisiert zuverlässig metall, holz, hohlräume und leitungen. Multifinder pro este dotat cu un ecran vtn cu asistare operator. Универсален детектор за локализиране на дървени, метални, медни и железни предмети и проводници под напрежение.

Das universelle ortungsgerät passt sich gut an den untergrund an und sorgt.

Při provozu přístroje jsou vydávány akustické signály, které usnadňují vedení hledačky při vyhledávání předmětů. Multifinder plus giver et advarselstegn ved måling af strømførende ledninger. Acoustic and visual signals to indicate the. Multifinder pro (multifinder pro) electronic detector for wood, metal, copper, cast iron and live cables.

Through depth measuring it can be decided if the drilling depth is sufficient in front of metal cores etc.

Mai mulţi senzori integraţi fac din multifinder pro de la laserliner un aparat de localizare performant pentru detectarea de metal, detectarea de grinzi în zidărie şi transversale în construcţiile uscate precum şi localizarea de cabluri conductoare de tensiune. Acoustic and visual signals for finding objects provide additional assistance. It is easy to use and its large clear lcd screen makes locating the object simple. Several integrated sensors make the multifinder pro a suitable location device for all applications to find wood, metal, copper, electricity lines, iron.

Acoustic and visual detection signals.

LASERLINER Universal Scanner MultiFinder Pro
LASERLINER Universal Scanner MultiFinder Pro

Laserliner Detector MultiFinder Plus 080.965A Locating
Laserliner Detector MultiFinder Plus 080.965A Locating


Laserliner MultiFinder Pro Trade Survey
Laserliner MultiFinder Pro Trade Survey

LASERLINER MultiFinder Pro Universelles Ortungsgerät
LASERLINER MultiFinder Pro Universelles Ortungsgerät

Laserliner MultiFinder Pro Trade Survey
Laserliner MultiFinder Pro Trade Survey

Laserliner MasterLevel Compact Plus Trade Survey
Laserliner MasterLevel Compact Plus Trade Survey
