.] 3 also sp lamp r’eel: Cf lamprey eel n 2 1852 s. As in the other jawless fish, the hagfish hagfish,.
Lamprey Eel "OCEAN TREASURES" Memorial Library
Literary usage of lamper eel.
Cf lamper eel n 1, lamprey eel n 1
Sea lamprey (large anadromous lamprey sometimes used. They possess a single nostril and have a protocercal tail, pore like gill openings, and a monomeric haemoglobin. Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature: The sea lamprey, also commonly known as the vampire fish, is a parasitic lamprey fish native to the northern hemisphere.
Find out information about lamper eel.
(al) [4 may]/1, the snake was a moccasin or lamp eel and it stuck its poisonous fangs into the poor little fellow’s middle finger, which swelled to immense proportions and caused his death. Hypernyms # agnathan jawless fish jawless vertebrate. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of lamper eel): The lamper eels crawled up the stream and the men gathered them by the barrels full and made oil from them.
(macon) [23 apr 8]/3, a “lamper” eel measuring 34 inches in length, 2½ across the back, the same across the tail, and weighing four.
Like an aquatic vampire, it is a. 1872 ga weekly telegraph & ga jrl. Color ranges from dark blue to brown. They are characterised by the absence of both jaws, pectoral and pelvic fins or paired fins.
Name for several primitive marine and freshwater jawless fishes of the order petromyzontiformes.
→ lamprey | meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The lamper this is the fisherman's name for what is generally known as the lamprey eel, and what is generally known as lamprey eel is no eel at all. Adults average about 1 lb. The lamprey isn't an eel, although it resembles one and is often referred to as such.
The lampreys or lamper eel and hagfishes are the sole existing representative of group ‘agnatha’, i.e., ‘jawless fish’.
Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to america's largest dictionary, with:. Primitive eellike freshwater or anadromous cyclostome having round sucking mouth with a rasping tongue All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. An invasive species, the lamprey fish decimated lake trout populations in the great.
A congo eel n 1 or siren n b.
Eels frogs grasshopers grubs katydids lamprey eels live minnows mirror bait miscellaneous skittering squirming stuff worm work. Source for information on lamper eel: 3 = lamprey n 1. Lamprey eel hypernyms (lamper eel is a kind of.):
The meaning of lamper eel is lamprey.
Regardless of their final habitat, all eels probably pass through the leptocephalus stage, an extended larval phase, in the open ocean and undergo metamorphosis. Eel, (order anguilliformes), any of more than 800 species of teleost fishes characterized by elongate wormlike bodies.anguilliforms include the common freshwater eels as well as the voracious marine morays.