Resistant to weather conditions100 % water resistant; Aquapanel cement board outdoor aquapanel cement board outdoor technology brings the innovation for architectural design and construction. Aquapanel cement board indoor aquapanel cement board outdoor aquapanel cement board skylite
Knauf System Aquapanel® Outdoor
Tvirta, nedegi statybinė plokštė, pagaminta naudojant portlando cemento užpildą, padengta stiklo pluošto tinklu, įspaustu į abi plokštės puses.
Can the board be used on ceilings?
Kvalitetu knauf materijala i sustava, korištenih u izgradnji gradskih bazena pula, prepoznali su, kao i mnogo puta do sada, arhitekti kao i investitori projekta. Knauf aquapanel outdoor cementplaat is 100% waterdicht, onbrandbaar en bestand tegen schimmelvorming. Knauf offers knauf aquapanel ® cement board outdoor (which is freeze thaw tested) for exterior uses. Je gebruikt de knauf aquapanel outdoor cementplaat als stabiele beplating op de onderconstructie.
The product, with high quality, provides the best alternative for traditional.
The aquapanel cement board system developed by knauf aquapanel is the ideal choice of architects and building contractors. Aquapanel ® cement board outdoor is attached to a vertical stud frame. Knauf aquapanel outdoor is een lichtgewicht cementgebonden plaat die geschikt is voor de bekleding van gevels en buitenplafonds. Krohvikandev tsementplaat välistöödeks 12,5 mm.
Resistant to mold and mildew;
Aquapanel® cement board outdoor 12.5 900 x 1200 ; Portlandtsementist, kergtäiteainetest ja külgedelt armeermisvõrguga tugevdatud õhekrohviga viimistletav tsementplaat välistöödel fassaadide ja lagede katmiseks. Can be cut easily with knife; Knauf aquapanel exterior cement boards provide a solid, dry base that can withstand the extreme weathering effects of wind, rain and snow.
Aquapnel cement board outdoor je cementová doska určená do exteriéru.
Yes, it can be used as a flooring board. The substructure should be selected according to the statics requirements. Knauf aquapanel cement board outdoor idealno je rješenje za sve vanjske sustave gradnje izložene raznim vremenskim prilikama. Also for façade renovations and exterior ceiling applications.
Can the board be used on floors?
Pikiservad on kaetud võrkkangaga (easyedge®) ja otsaservad lõigatud. Furthermore, aquapanel ® cement board outdoor can also serve as a substrate for. Aquapanel® cement board outdoor aquapanel® water barrier geeigneter und zugelassener wandwinkel nach bemessung zugelassenes verbindungsmittel zusätzliche tragprofil cd 60/27 c3/c5m in ecke anordnen aquapanel® maxi schraube sn tragprofil cd 60/27 c3/c5m aquapanel® cement board outdoor z. No, this board should only be used for internal applications.
Išnaudoti sausosios statybos konstrukcijų pranašumus ir turėti masyviosios.
Dosky aquapanel cement board outdoor nepodliehajú objemovým zmenám vplyvom rozdielnej teploty a vlhkosti a sú ohýbateľné. It is an ideal substrate for directly applied render finishes and can be used for exterior walls in ventilated systems, exterior ceilings and soffits. Knauf aquapanel has 3 difference model to apply in different application. Panel made of aggregated portland cement with coated glass fibre mesh.
Ją naudojant galima įrengti besiūlius tinkuojamus fasadus, t.
Contains no wood shavings or cellulose;