( 274.62° , 1% , 130% ) add a. It is the color of devotion, wisdom, justice, and higher knowledge. ( 188.82° , 0.47% , 72% ) add a useful note/description about this color.
Hex Color Code 271370 Persian Indigo color information
Strong indigo has the hex code #3d009f.
The indigo hex code is #4b0082.
The first byte is the red component and the. In the hsv/hsb scale, indigo has a hue. Cmyk (cyan magenta yellow black) color space The equivalent rgb values are (77, 44, 241), which means it is composed of 21% red, 12% green and 67% blue.
Spectrum indigo has the hex code #4d2cf1.
7 rows in a rgb color space, hex #4b0082 (also known as indigo) is composed of 29.4% red, 0% green and. Heather indigo has the hex code #2d2643. The indigo blue color code: Thankfully, the hex value for indigo blue is simple;
Composed of 29.4% red, 0% green and 51% blue;
The cmyk color codes, used in printers, are c:42 m:100 y:0 k:49. In the hsv/hsb scale, strong indigo has a hue of 263°, 100% saturation and a brightness value of 62%. Html, css or hex color code for color lavender indigo is #9457eb. The code you need to input is #4b0082.
The indigo color is a shade of purple and has a hex code value of #4b0082, has a rgb value of rgb (75,0,130), and has indigo as its css name.
Indigo blue has the hex code #3f0fb7. In the hsv/hsb scale, indigo blue has a hue of 257°, 92% saturation and a brightness value of 72%. Dark indigo has the hex code #2a0d5d. Indigo has the hex code #4b0082.
Indigo (web) html, css or hex color code for color indigo (web) is #4b0082.
So, in a color code, there are 3 bytes (24 bits). Indigo color code the indigo hex code is #4b0082. The equivalent rgb values are (63, 15, 183), which means it is composed of 24% red, 6% green and 70% blue. This page shows lighter and darker color variations of indigo, and you can find more similar colors within the purple color codes category.
In the hsv/hsb scale, heather indigo has a hue of 254°, 43% saturation and a brightness value of 26%.
( 264.73° , 0.63% , 235% ) add a useful note/description about this color. The equivalent rgb values are (61, 0, 159), which means it is composed of 28% red, 0% green and 72% blue. The equivalent rgb values are (75, 0, 130), which means it is composed of 37% red, 0% green and 63% blue. Html, css or hex color code for color japanese indigo is #264348.
The cmyk color codes, used in printers, are c:66 m:92 y:0 k:28.
The cmyk color codes, used in printers, are c:68 m:82 y:0 k:6. In the hsv/hsb scale, spectrum indigo has a hue of 250°, 82% saturation and a brightness value of 95%. The equivalent rgb values are (42, 13, 93), which means it is composed of 28% red, 9% green and 63% blue. In the hsv/hsb scale, dark indigo has a hue of 262°, 86% saturation and a brightness value of 36%.
The indigo hex code can be quantified in rgb values which represent the amount of red , green and blue color channels.
The cmyk color codes, used in printers, are c:62 m:100 y:0 k:38. ( 266.12° , 1% , 255% ). Colors that make up #4b0082. The cmyk color codes, used in printers, are c:33 m:43 y:0 k:74.
Let’s take a look at some of the technical color information and color code breakdowns for indigo:
Rgb (red green blue) color space. The cmyk color codes, used in printers, are c:55 m:86 y:0 k:64. The hex color system is popular in many graphic design centers, so if you work in the industry there’s a good chance you’re completing your projects based on this spectrum. Html, css or hex color code for color electric indigo is #6f00ff.
The equivalent rgb values are (45, 38, 67), which means it is composed of 30% red, 25% green and 45% blue.
Indigo, found between blue and violet in the color wheel, is a natural pigment that comes from plants and is traditionally considered one of the 7 major spectral colors. Html color code for #4b0082.