Indigo Blue Color Codes The Hex, RGB and CMYK Values

Indigo Color Code Cmyk Analogous s,RGB s,CMYK

Composed of 29.4% red, 0% green and 51% blue; Since the black color is the absence of light, the cmyk is a subtractive color model.

English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. Blue hex html color values. Click to copy google's material design indigo 500 color code in hex, rgb, cmyk, or hsl.

Indigo Blue Color Codes The Hex, RGB and CMYK Values

Html, css or hex color code for color indigo is #4b0082.

The cmyk color codes, used in printers, are c:33 m:43 y:0 k:74.

This color was named with the keyword indigo blue by the users. The color of your search : Colors material flat ui social metro html color picker tailwind ↗️ fluent ↗️ more icons. The closest hex code of the color is #524fa1 with rgb equivalent values (82, 79, 161).

The cmyk color code comes in the form of 4 codes each representing the percentage of the color used.

( 274.62° , 1% , 130% ) add a useful note/description about this color. Cmyk color values are commonly used in print projects and account for the different levels of cyan, magenta, yellow and black in each color. The cmyk color model is commonly used in printing. It has a hue angle of 274.6 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 25.5%.

In a rgb color space, hex #4b0082 (also known as indigo) is composed of 29.4% red, 0% green and 51% blue.

Pms 648 c, hex color: The cmyk system is the backbone of the color printing technology found in both large industrial and small desktop printers. #4b0082 hex color red value is 75, green value is 0 and the blue value of its rgb is 130. White light minus red is cyan, minus green is magenta, minus blue is yellow.

In blue colors you will see the highest levels of cyan.

In the hsv/hsb scale, heather indigo has a hue of 254°, 43% saturation and a brightness value of 26%. #4b0082 color rgb value is (75,0,130). Create calming graphic designs full of harmony and wisdom with different shades of indigo. In the hsl color space #5d6fd3 has a hue of 231° (degrees), 57% saturation.

Click to copy google's material design indigo 700 color code in hex, rgb, cmyk, or hsl.

The dark indigo color code for the sporting kansas city logo is pantone: The cmyk value is cmyk (35, 58, 0, 24) either 35% of cyan, 58% of magenta, 0% of yellow and 24%. Indigo color in cmyk color model. This means there is 80 of both cyan and magenta and 0 of yellow and black.

1.00 and the lightness value of 4b0082 is 0.25.

4b0082 the following is display color images english español deutsch français 한국어 简体中文 繁體中文 日本語 rgb Rgb (red green blue) color space. Color name indigo, hex code #5d6fd3, contains symbol # and 6 letters or numbers. The color can only be applied to a web page and digital creations with the hex code, rgb or hsl values.

The hsl value is hsl (102, 124%, 139%) either a shade of 102°, a saturation of 124% and a brightness of 139%;

The cmyk acronym stands for cyan, magenta, yellow and key. Heather indigo has the hex code #2d2643. Rgb rgb(63, 81, 181) hsl. Cmyk (cyan magenta yellow black) color space

Whereas in a cmyk color space, it is composed of 42.3% cyan, 100% magenta, 0% yellow and 49% black.

Convert colour indigo blue to rgb, hex, pantone, ral or cmyk. In the cmyk color model (used in the printing process), the composition is 56% cyan, 47% magenta, 0% yellow, and 17% key (black). Indigo is a color between violet and blue on the color wheel. Pms cool gray 7 c, hex color:

Click to copy google's material design indigo 700 color code in hex, rgb, cmyk, or hsl.

It is not part of the web color list and cannot be used in html and/or css code by name. In the cmyk color model, indigo has the values (80, 80, 0, 0). Cmyk color code is used specially in printing field,it help to choose a color based on rendering that gives printing. Hsl, cmyk, ral and other values are listed in the table.

The lead color code for the sporting kansas city logo is pantone:

Indigo (pantone) color hex code is #4c3957 and the rgb equivalent is (76, 57, 87). Colors material flat ui social metro html color picker tailwind ↗️ fluent ↗️ more icons unicodes emoji keyboard ↗️ blog tdfw? The hexadecimal color #7e52c3 is a color blue whose writing is rgb (126, 82, 195) either 49% of red, 32% of green, 76% of blue; Although the last color is the mixt of all the colors which is black , a fourth ink cartridge.

#4b0082 color hex could be obtained by blending #9600ff with #000005.

Indigo is 42% 100% 0% 49% cmyk. #4b0082 color name is indigo color. > color names and hex codes > indigo. The equivalent rgb values are (45, 38, 67), which means it is composed of 30% red, 25% green and 45% blue.

The primary colors of subtractive synthesis are cyan, magenta and yellow.

In a rgb color space, hex #5d6fd3 is composed of 36.5% red, 43.5% green and 82.7% blue. Let’s take a look at some of the technical color information and color code breakdowns for indigo:

Dark Pastel Indigo color hex code is 543E7A
Dark Pastel Indigo color hex code is 543E7A

indigo Analogous colors,RGB color codes,CMYK
indigo Analogous colors,RGB color codes,CMYK

Hex Color Code 2f0f7e Persian Indigo color information
Hex Color Code 2f0f7e Persian Indigo color information

Dark Indigo color hex code is 2A0D5D
Dark Indigo color hex code is 2A0D5D

indigo Analogous colors,RGB color codes,CMYK
indigo Analogous colors,RGB color codes,CMYK

Neon Indigo color hex code is 7B00FF
Neon Indigo color hex code is 7B00FF

indigo Analogous colors,RGB color codes,CMYK
indigo Analogous colors,RGB color codes,CMYK
