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A hygroscopic substance is able to absorb or adsorb water from its surroundings. Straw is a hygroscopic material, which means that it will adsorb water vapor from the air and absorb liquid water when exposed to a suitable source.

You can complete the definition of hygroscopicity given by the english definition dictionary with other english dictionaries: (the terms water and moisture are used here without distinction.) Thus, with a porous solid such as activated carbon, water vapor will be physically adsorbed, both on the external surface and within the pores, to form a condensed layer.

Hygroscopic Definition and Examples

Hygroscopicity is the tendency of a solid substance to absorb moisture from the surrounding atmosphere.

Place the amount of substance prescribed for the test for loss on drying or water in the vessel and weigh (m2).

As absorbent as a sponge. The ability of materials to absorb moisture from the air. Updated on december 08, 2019. The term hygroscopicity is not a quantitative definition and so should be qualified.

Search hygroscopicity and thousands of other words in english definition and synonym dictionary from reverso.

Webster dictionary (2.00 / 1 vote) rate this definition: Although wood can absorb other liquids and gases, water is the most important. The definition of hygroscopic is the property of absorbing moisture from the air. Hygroscopicity as a noun means (uncountable) the state of being hygroscopic.

Definition the hygroscopicityof a powder is its equilibrium moisture content after being exposed to air humidity under given conditions.

Hygroscopicity rather than a true determination. (of a substance ) tending to absorb water from the air | meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Farlex partner medical dictionary © farlex 2012. Taken up and retained under some conditions of humidity and temperature hygroscopic water in clay.

The property possessed by vegetable tissues of absorbing or discharging moisture according to circumstances

An example of hygroscopic is what makes honey have a long shelf life from pulling moisture out of the air. Because of its hygroscopicity, wood, either as a part of the living tree or as a material, always contains moisture. Thus, the adsorbed water is not structured within a crystal lattice and is reversible. Wikipedia, lexilogos, oxford, cambridge, chambers harrap, wordreference, collins lexibase dictionaries, merriam webster.

Wood can absorb water as a liquid, if in contact with it, or as vapour from the surrounding atmosphere.

The process can take on a number of forms. Hygroscopy is the phenomenon of attracting and holding water molecules via either absorption or adsorption from the surrounding environment, which is usually at normal or room temperature.if water molecules become suspended among the substance's molecules, adsorbing substances can become physically changed, e.g., changing in volume, boiling point, viscosity or some other. Water is an important solvent, so it's unsurprising that there is a term specifically related to water absorption. Hygroscopicity is a physico chemical property describing a material ability to absorb / adsorb moisture from the environment [7].

Scope this method is particularly suitable for whey powder, but may be applied for other dried milk products.

( countable) the degree to which a. Use a glass weighing vessel 50 mm in external diameter and 15 mm high. American heritage® dictionary of the english language, fifth edition. Readily absorbing moisture, as from the atmosphere.

Readily taking up and retaining moisture hygroscopic soils.

Based on wordnet 3.0, farlex clipart collection. Farlex partner medical dictionary © farlex 2012. Hygroscopicity ( countable and uncountable, plural hygroscopicities ) ( uncountable) the state of being hygroscopic. Weigh the vessel and stopper (m1).

Hygroscopic definition, absorbing or attracting moisture from the air.

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