Hottentot Teal, Anas hottentota at Marievale Nature Reserv

Hottentot Teal Size Cotswold WP 27 Jun 2014 ZooChat

Small brownish duck with a blue bill, dark cap, and a dark smudge on the pale tan cheek. A teal duck is a type of small freshwater dabbling duck.

The population size is very large, and hence does not approach the thresholds for vulnerable under the population size criterion (<10,000 mature individuals with a continuing decline estimated to be >10% in ten years or three generations, or with a specified population structure). Punctata) of africa is quite tame and frequently remains immobile among vegetation even when shots are fired nearby. Hottentot teals travel in either single pairs or fluid groups.

Pictures and information on Hottentot Teal

Males and females pair during breeding season but…

I'd much rather have the hottentot teal, but i honestly could not go wrong with either as far as the look i am going for in my duck.

They are not aggressive and can do well in a mixed collection as long as they are not bullied by larger birds. Males and females are very similar in size and color, but the female is much lighter on her underside. Hottentot teal are the smallest member of the dabbling duck group with some weighing as little as 8 ounces. In flight, look for white, black, and green stripes on the wing.

Spatula hottentota (del hoyo and collar 2014) was previously placed in the genus anas.

Despite their small size they are very hardy and thrive on standard waterfowl diets but. The hottentot teals primarily feed on plant matter and small animals. They are relatively common in the wild and are also well represented in captivity. These small birds can easily escape through two inch wire or netting.

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Size 30 to 35 cm (12 to 14 in.) weight approximately 243 g (8.5 oz) diet these ducks are omnivorous, but their diet consists largely of seeds, fruits, and other vegetable matter. I would like to get a hottentot teal (preferably 2, so it won't be lonely and hopefully make less noise) or maybe 2 ringed teals. Hottentot teal spatula hottentota (anas hottentota) hottentottaling / hottentoten ente / sarcelle hottentote. Combination of small size, blue bill, and cheek marking separate it from all other ducks and grebes.

Don't let their small size fool you.

For these reasons the species is evaluated as least concern. Incubation 21 to 22 days clutch size 5 to 8 eggs In west africa and madagascar it is sedentary. It is the smallest of the african ducks and one the smallest of all the waterfowl, weighing a mere 8 or 9 ounces.

Endemic to the african continent, the hottentot teal was first described by english naturalist thomas campbell eyton in 1838.

Hottentot teal are one of south africa’s smallest waterfowl. In west africa and madagascar it is sedentary. Spatula hottentota also known as hottentot teal or blue billed teal are a tiny dabbling duck from africa. Hottentot teal favour waters with relatively dense edge and emergent vegetation such as reeds, and rushes.

These small birds can easily escape through two inch wire or netting.

While there are numerous different species of teal ducks, they all share similar traits that set them apart from the rest of the duck family overall, including their petite size, habitat preferences, body proportions, feeding behavior, and unique coloration. They build large, raised nests with grasses, leaves, and reed stems. Hottentot teal (spatula hottentota) is a species of bird in the anatidae family. Hottentot teal are the smallest member of the dabbling duck group with some weighing as little as 8 ounces.

Use the quick search above to search for species based on their scientific name, common name, family, genus or common family name (eg.

They build nests above water in. (eyton, 1838) the hottentot teal ( anas hottentota) is a species of dabbling duck of the genus anas. The hottentot teal mainly lives in large open areas of freshwater and wet grasslands with emergent vegetation. The most striking feature of the hottentot teal is its blue bill.

It largely lives off aquatic plants, and is normally found in water that is less than 1.5m in depth.

They are not aggressive and can do well in a mixed collection as long as they are not bullied by larger birds. To search for species based on the additional attributes below please click the + to the right of the appropriate section and tick the condition you wish to apply (leave blank to retrieve all species). The hottentot teal is a species of dabbling is migratory resident in eastern and southern africa, from sudan and ethiopia west to niger and nigeria and south to south africa. They vaguely resemble south america’s silver teal, not nearly as colorful, but the blue scapulars are spectacular!

The hottentot teal, also known as spatula hottentota, is a dabbling duck species categorized under the genus spatula.

While both sexes have a blue beak and green streaks through their wings, only females have spotted flanks. Hottentot teals are small, inconspicuous, sexually dimorphic ducks. The hottentot is native to southern and eastern africa and is diminutive, males and females have very similar plumage and bright blue bills. It is common in southern and east africa, typically south of 10 ° s.

Found on freshwater wetlands, lakes, and rice paddies, at low to moderate elevations.

They may also take aquatic invertebrates such as crustaceans, mollusks, water insects such as beetles, and fly larvae. The size of an hottentot teal, with brown plumage, a light head and. They are typically ground nesters but have been known to use raised nest boxes. It is migratory resident in eastern and southern africa, from sudan and ethiopia west to niger and nigeria and south to south africa and namibia.

Some weigh as little as 8 ounces.

Hottentot teal breed year round, depending on rainfall, and stay in small groups or pairs.

'Hottentot teal (Spatula hottentota), Ngorongoro
'Hottentot teal (Spatula hottentota), Ngorongoro

Hottentot teal ZooChat
Hottentot teal ZooChat

Hottentot Teal, Anas hottentota at Marievale Nature Reserv
Hottentot Teal, Anas hottentota at Marievale Nature Reserv

Hottentot Teal, Anas Hottentota Stock Image Image of
Hottentot Teal, Anas Hottentota Stock Image Image of

BIR03200393 Joel Sartore
BIR03200393 Joel Sartore

HOTTENTOT TEAL on water Anas hottentota SubSaharan Africa
HOTTENTOT TEAL on water Anas hottentota SubSaharan Africa

Pictures and information on Hottentot Teal
Pictures and information on Hottentot Teal
