The Glass Catfish Kryptopterus Bicirrhis Is An Asian Glass Catfish Of The Genus Kryptopterus Aquarium Fish Glass Catfish Tropical Freshwater Fish

Glass Catfish Kryptopterus Tropical Fish Aquarium Aquarium Fish

Glass Catfish are originally from Thailand where they inhabit moderate moving rivers and streams. African glass catfish or Pareutropius debauwi a species of fish in the family Schilbeidae Parailia somalensis or Somalia glass catfish Asian glass catfish or Kryptopterus a genus of fish in the family Siluridae.

They mostly stay in the middle of the water column and rarely stray too far from the safety of the river bed. Glass catfish may mean. Their barbels are used heavily as the water visibility tends to be low.

Cool Schooling Glass Catfish Video Aquarium Fish Aquarium Fish Tank Glass Catfish

One of the most interesting little creatures for your tank is that of the glass catfish also known as ghost catfish.

Become a popular freshwater fish for anyone wanting to add something different to their aquarium due to their entirely visual bodies.

Glass catfish are quite easy to look after too. Kryptopterus vitreolus known in the aquarium trade traditionally as the glass catfish and also as the ghost catfish or phantom catfish is a small species of Asian glass catfishIt is commonly seen in the freshwater aquarium trade but its taxonomy is confusing and was only fully resolved in 2013. It is endemic to Thailand and found in rivers south of the Isthmus of Kra that drain into the. The glass catfish scientific name.

Kryptopterus vitreolus is a freshwater fish that is native to Thailand.

There have been some reports of these fish being found in Malaysia and even Cambodia but the validity of these claims is iffy. An eye-catching creature the transparent glass catfish Kryptopterus vitreolus adds to any aquarium display. Within the aquarium trade the glass catfish went through an identity crisis. After nearly 80 years of being identified as Kryptoptreus bicirrhis a larger more aggressive species of glass catfish the glass catfish got a new name.

Glass Cats are a freshwater catfish.

Unlike most catfish the Glass Cats live in the mid to upper levels of a body of water. Instead of living solitary lives in the mud they developed into social creatures moving in and out of the light. Alternative trade names include Asian glass catfish ghost catfish and phantom catfish while its sometimes confused with the African glass catfish Parailia pellucida. The Glass Catfish is a very delicate fish.

It is very sensitive of fluctuating water parameters and should be placed in a fully cycled aquarium with low nitrates.

The Glass Cat is a very peaceful timid and delicate fish. It should be kept only with peaceful tank mates and a school of at least 6. Kryptopterus bicirrhis is a kind of freshwater ray-finned fishes of catfish family that inhabit in South-Eastern Asia. The first thing that catches the eye when you see this fish is how transparent it is you can clearly see its visceral and spine.

So it becomes quite clear why this fish is called a glass one.

Ghost Glass Cats also known as Indian Ghosts Ghost Fish Glass Catfish or Glass Cats are very peaceful and a great community fish that will give their caretakers hours of enjoyment. Ghost or glass-like in appearance the Ghost Glass Cat loves a low light condition and is most active during dawn and dusk. The Glass Catfish is the perfect fish to add that special pizazz to your tank that will make everyone envious. Originating from the brackish waters of South East Asia in Indonesia Vietnam Cambodia Malaysia and Thailand these fish are most at home in aquariums full of vegetation and other peaceful fish such as the Tetras.

The Glass Catfish also known as Kryptopterus bicirrhis is unique in that all its internal organs and backbone are visible.

This is a peaceful fish that does best in a community tank and for best success should be in groups of no less than 6 or more. The glass catfish is a beautiful fish lacking scales body pigmentation and also dorsal fin. The anal fin is large crescent-shaped clean and transparent with 48-55 fin rays. The amount of melanophores cells containing pigment present in the fish is lesser so they are transparent in color.

Glass catfish are selective with what they eat and also not very good feeders.

While in the wild they eat zooplankton mosquito larvae other small sized fish the size of new born guppy small invertebrates and Daphnia. In the aquarium you can feed your ghost catfish both frozen and live food. Glass Catfish was first discovered by Tyson Roberts in 1989 in Kapuas River Basin in Borneo Indonesia. It is native to the rivers near Asian regions like Malaysia Thailand Indonesia Vietnam and Cambodia.

Aquarists also collect this fish from the river basin near the Cardamom Mountain.

Who is this Glass Catfish. There are two types of glass catfish and they are Kryptopterus vitreolus and Kryptopterus Bichirris. The main difference between these two types is the size. Bichirris can reach around 65 7 inch and vitreolus are about 25 inches long.

Glass catfish is a freshwater fish native to Thailand Malaysia Cambodia and Vietnam.

Ghost Catfish at PetSmart. Shop all fish goldfish betta more online. The Glass Catfish also recognized as the Ghost Catfish gets its name from its amazingly see-through glass-like body. Kryptopterus the name of the genus derives from the Greek words kryptos and pterýgio.

Words consecutively meaning hidden and fin in regards to their apparent lack of a dorsal fin.

Perfect water parameters are a must.

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