This is not all possible option for tank mate. The Celestial Pearl Danio Mollies and swordtail are all good options. Feel free to search and explore other compatible fish.
Glass Catfish Kryptopterus Bicirrhis Ornamental Fish Glass Catfish Catfish Fish Pet
Tons of options are available.
Keeping Glass Catfish together.
Celestial Pearl Danios Mollies and Swordtails are the perfect tank mates for the Glass Catfish as well as Tetras Dwarf Gouramis Dwarf Cichlids Loricarids Platies Kribensis Loaches Hachetfish Corydoras and the Redtailed Shark. They also do well with some larger Gourami Angelfish and Silver Dollars. Glass catfish do best with a minimum tank size of 30 gallons. This is assuming that you have around 5 of them in the same tank since they dont do well when kept alone well cover that in more detail in the tank mates section.
Glass catfish are rather sensitive to their tank water parameters change and it should be put only into a settled tank with low nitrates level.
Besides the fish is rather timid and sensitive one so it should be kept only in a school and with some peaceful tank mates. Contents hide 1 Habitat in the wild. Fish such as Swordtails Mollies and Celestial Pearl Danios are perfect tank makes for Glass Catfish. They are all peaceful and will not bother or out compete you catfish.
Not only are these fish easy to keep but they will live nicely with Glass Catfish.
This means you can start with them first and then add more fish once you think you are ready. Tank Mates and Compatibility Because of their calm temperament the glass catfish works well in community tanks with fish of similar size and temperament. They cohabitate well with other catfish including Cory catfish mollies and swordtails. They are also suitable for other calm-natured fish such as tetras and marbled hatchets.
The Glass Catfish is a very delicate fish.
It is very sensitive of fluctuating water parameters and should be placed in a fully cycled aquarium with low nitrates. The Glass Cat is a very peaceful timid and delicate fish. It should be kept only with peaceful tank mates and a school of at least 6. They do best in larger planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots.
If they are kept with aggressive mates or are kept in a small school they will become white in color and die of stress.
But if someone is determined to keep these fish in a community tank there are a few fish that should make good tank mates. These include neon tetras cardinal tetras and harlequin rasboras. Larger fish should be avoided as they tend to out-compete and threaten glass catfish. Tank requirements for Glass Catfish.
You need to provide them with a natural environment because they live in slow flow streams and rivers.
Keeping a Ghost Catfish aquarium can be fun but if you want to keep your little Catfish healthy specific parameters need to be met. The minimum tank size for a collage of 5 glass catfish is 30 gallons. Best tank mates for your Glass Catfish. Now the question is can we keep catfish with other species in the same water tank.
They can keep with similar-minded mates like Swordtails Celestial Pearl Mollies Corydoras Kribensis etc.
They are all peaceful fish that live together and dont attack each other. If you keep that in mind when planning out tank mates this species should do just fine. These fish are incredibly unique and fun to look at. True to their name the glass catfish sports a translucent body that makes them quit unique.
As for tank mates the Otocinclus Catfish gets along well with other community tank species especially Cory Catfish and even some shrimp and snail species like Mystery Snails Nerite Snails and Amano Shrimp or Ghost shrimp.
Things to look out for when keeping Otocinclus Catfish. You can also keep Glass Catfish with other tank mates although this is not mandatory. Glass Catfish work perfectly in community tanks filled with different species of peaceful fish. The best fish for placing with Glass Catfish include Mollies Swordtails and Celestial Pearl Danios.
Glass Catfish Care TipsTank Size.
The minimum tank size suitable for the Glass Catfish is 30 gallons or more. Have lots of plants in the tank wi. Bigger and sharper gravel can cause damage to the injury to the glass catfishs barbels. Due to the strict water parameters it makes it harder for beginners to keep the glass catfish.
Ghost Catfish Tank Mates.
Ghost catfish thrive in a group of at least 4 fish. Ghost catfish are social fish while in the wild they form tight social groups. Final Thoughts On Glass Catfish And Betta Tank As you can probably guess by now glass catfish make great tank mates for bettas. However depending on the temperament of your betta the reverse could be true.
You should only add glass catfish to your betta tank if you know your betta has a peaceful temperament.
This means fish like Tetras Celestial Pearl Danios and Glass Catfish will make perfect mates for Barbs. This peaceful nature extends to shrimp and other invertebrates. So if you are thinking of adding Ghost Shrimp Cherry Shrimp or Mystery Snails then go ahead. Some other ideal tank mates include.
Neon or cardinal tetra.
Glass Catfish Tank Mates. The peaceful nature of these catfish means that they tend to get along well with others. There are however certain types of fish that are best for tank mates.