Transparent Fish Transparent Fish Sea Animals Colorful Fish

Glass Catfish Pregnant Pet Fish Aquarium Fish

Hi so I got 2 glass catfish and i think one is pregnant as she has a big belly on her and she is always hiding in a dark corner next to the filter but I want to know what I should do if she is pregnant. So always check the temperature before keeping water in its tank.

I can get pictures if u need me to. Moreover it may not survive long in your tank. But she is defiantly bigger than the other one and she hides a lot.

Transparent Fish Transparent Fish Sea Animals Colorful Fish

The other one is always out swimming.

A pregnant catfish develops a black or red gravid spot right near the back portion of the abdomen.

At first it may be a faint-looking spot but it gets darker and brighter as the pregnancy period goes by. Whats the reason for the spot. Its a sign that their eggs are fertilized which means they are starting to grow inside their belly. Catfish arent livebearers so she isnt really pregnant.

Actually the symptoms youre describing makes it seem much more likely that your fish is ill.

A bloated stomach could be a sign of constipation dropsy or internal parasites among other things. The slow swimming and staying at the bottom are also concerning. Are the scales sticking out. Catfish pregnant or bloated.

By newfishmom 7 years ago on Tropical Fish.

Catfish pregnant or bloated. Two days ago I noticed one of my catfish had a swollen belly. The catfish is also more aggressive for food and seems to be a little more active. Glass Catfish Kryptopterus vitreolus.

A Fish Unlike Any Other.

While pregnant women can get omega-3 fatty acids from many sources most experts recommend eating seafood for this purpose. Though mercury can harm a developing babys brain eating average amounts of seafood containing low levels of mercury during pregnancy hasnt been shown to cause problems. Most catfish while energetic will stay on the bottom of the tank whereas Glass Catfish are exceptions and enjoy swimming around. They make great additions to peaceful community tanks and tend to keep to themselves only ducking for cover when disturbed.

Glass catfish have barbels that extend straight out from their heads unlike some other catfish whos barbels droop back behind them while they swim.

The average glass catfish size is 4-6 inches in length. This is larger than a lot of aquarists think maybe because a lot of translucent fish are on the smaller side. Omega-3 fatty acid DHA is known to diminish the effects of stress you might experience during late pregnancy. Fish are a good source of protein that helps in supporting fetal growth.

Fatty fish such as salmon provide abundant omega-3s that help in boosting the brain health of the baby.

Ghost Catfish Glass Catfish Care and Information - Kryptopterus vitreolus. Ghost Catfish Glass Catfish Care and Information - Kryptopterus vitreolus. Hi Guys Im a hobbiest I have a small fish room I breed discus and I have a community tank with glass cat fish and I see a pair is been formed trying to bree. Glass catfish like some catfish whos barbels have barbels which stretch out from their heads which fall behind them while they swim.

Size of Glass Catfish.

The medium length of this glass catfish is 4-6 cm. This is larger than many aquariums think perhaps because there are many translucent fish on the smaller side. Post by moochi Wed Nov 02 2005 145 pm. Is it possible for you to take a picture of your pregnant glass catfish so i can see what they look like.

I have 5 glass catfish all purchased 2 weeks ago within 1 week 2 appeared to be pregnant now all 5 appear to be pregnant.

Well there are a few types of catfish breeding I know from the way you described it it is not ottoCory style where the female sucks out the sperm. Hi Ahouston If the fish is a female she may be gravid but she cant be pregnant. Only fish who give live birth can be pregnant. She might be bloated too or egg bound.

Special Considerations while keeping Glass Catfish.

The transparent Glass Catfish generally responds to the electromagnetic field if you keep them exposed near to the area. The reason why they respond is due to having a protein called Electromagnetic Perceptive Gene EPG. Studies say that if anybody is affected by Parkinsons disease the. As freshwater fish catfish is low in mercury content so it is quite safe to be consumed by mothers during pregnancy.

Source of Vitamin B Complex Vitamin B complex are essential for mothers during pregnancy.

Vitamin B9 which is also well known as folic acid is good to optimize the brain development and nerve system of the baby inside the womb. A few days ago we discovered tiny baby fish in my tank. We did not know that any fish in my tank was pregnant. We have only had two fish in the tank for the past few months.

A glass catfish and a guppy.

About a month ago both of my fish were getting very fat. I thought that it was just how I fed them and thought nothing of it. And when the babies came out they looked just like glass catfish. Glass Catfish is quite demanding with the water temperature hardness and pH level.

If the aforesaid water parameter is not maintained then there are high chances that the fish will get affected by various diseases.

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