Glass Catfish got their name from their transparent body that lets you see their bones and organs. While in the wild they eat zooplankton mosquito larvae other small sized fish the size of new born guppy small invertebrates and Daphnia. The scientific name comes from Greek word kryptos meaning hidden and pterýgio fin.
The Glass Catfish Kryptopterus Bicirrhis Is An Asian Glass Catfish Of The Genus Kryptopterus Aquarium Catfish Tropical Fish Tanks Aquarium Fish
Glass catfish are known to form tight schools and should always be kept in groups of six or more.
While glass catfish are generally peaceful they have been known to prey on fish fry and eggs.
While many people recommend glass catfish for community tanks it can prove difficult to find tank mates who wont bully them. Complete Care Guide Updated on Jan 8 2021 by Peter Herzog An eye-catching creature the transparent glass catfish Kryptopterus vitreolus adds to any aquarium display. Within the aquarium trade the glass catfish went through an identity crisis. Glass Catfish Care Guide The biggest challenge when taking care of the Glass Catfish is making sure the water conditions stay within the proper levels.
Maintaining the strict water parameters makes these fish harder to keep healthy for novices and beginner aquarists.
Dietary Requirements for Glass Catfish While dwelling in the wild Glass Catfish eats insects worms and even newborn fish. When you keep this fish in your aquarium you can feed both live or fresh foods pellets and dry foods to this fish. Some of the favorite foods of this breed are. Glass catfish care is fairly simple once you know the basics.
There arent any major hurdles you need to navigate.
Instead its all about being consistent and providing them with the right tank water and food conditions. In the Glass Catfish care especially you should take care about water parameters. You can easily maintain these parameters. Their pH can be variable from 65 70 Ideal water temperature for Glass Catfish is 75F to 80F range 24C-265C.
78F is the best water temperature level for them.
Glass catfish usually requires a medium level of care. Keeping them in larger tanks and in a school of minimum 6 species would be best. They are peaceful and timid and can be kept with other tank mates who are of similar type. Make sure that you quarantine the tank where you collect and keep the species.
Glass catfish feel themselves much better and confident in a group of 4-6 fish they swim freely in the middle water layer and in the middle of the tank.
To keep the fish healthy the tank water temperature shouldnt be less than 26 C and there shouldnt be any abrupt water temperature changes. The Complete Glass Catfish Care Guide Kryptopterus vitreolus December 29 2020 By Robert Brand. 5 Oddball Fish to Add to an Aquarium. December 3 2020 By Robert Brand.
The Complete Rainbow Shark Care Guide Epalzeorhynchos frenatum August 25 2020 By Robert Brand.
The Top 3 Algae Eaters for Your Aquarium. August 21 2020 By Robert Brand. Glass Catfish A Complete Guide Care Diet Facts Beautiful haunting and mysterious the Glass Catfish can add an element of intrigue to any aquarium. These evocative fish have captured the fascination of hobbyists since their discovery.
When you know the basics glass catfish care is quite simple.
You need to navigate no major obstacles. Instead everything is consistency and the right tank water and food conditions are provided to them. The rest of this guide explores the essential elements of the care of glass catfishes and what you have to know to thrive. This care guide for the Glass Catfish is ideal for the intermediate aquarists since they demand unique standards of water quality.
But with proper care and maintenance you can increase your Glass Catfishs life expectancy as long as 8 years.
A glass catfish needs to be kept in a tank with a minimum 30 gallon capacity. A good rule of thumb is five gallons for each of these fish. As we mentioned above these fish love to swim around so they require a good size aquarium. Glass Catfish Untimate Care Guide.
Tank Setup Feeding and Breeding February 22 2021 by Anuraj Pathirana As a fish keeper a glass catfish- the transparent-shaded freshwater species will definitely catch your eyes.
This is due to their amazing transparent appearance. Otocinclus Catfish Care Guide 3 min read. The Otocinclus Catfish will clean glass but they absolutely love to clean plants. They are great at delicately cleaning your greenery and your Catfish with stay happy and healthy eating any particles off the leaves.
These fish are also excellent for tanks that have babies or shrimp.
Glass Catfish Kryptopterus minor Common names. Glass Catfish Glassfish Ghost Catfish Asian Glass Catfish Phantom Catfish. 55 75 Tempº. 21ºC - 26ºC Tank region.
Middle Top layer Origin.
The Glass Catfish is a true Oddball in the Aquarium. Not only does it have a very unusual body shape and it is one of the only. Read Our Corydoras Catfish Care Guide to find out everything you need to know about cory catfish and cory catfish care. The eggs will be laid in little pouches at various places on the glass at which point you can decide whether you want to fish them out and discard them fish them out and keep them in a special aquarium to grow.
Glass catfish are selective with what they eat and also not very good feeders.