The females will lay their eggs on the aquarium plants and the eggs should hatch in three to five days. An unusual entry in the Fish Focus series - Glass Catfish. The young fry will be quite tiny but can eat baby brine shrimp for the first few weeks of life.
Glass Catfish The Complete Care Guide Glass Catfish Fresh Water Fish Tank Catfish
Fish such as Swordtails Mollies and Celestial Pearl Danios are perfect tank makes for Glass Catfish.
They are all peaceful and will not bother or out compete you catfish.
Not only are these fish easy to keep but they will live nicely with Glass Catfish. This means you can start with them first and then add more fish once you think you are ready. The Glass Catfish is the perfect fish to add that special pizazz to your tank that will make everyone envious. Originating from the brackish waters of South East Asia in Indonesia Vietnam Cambodia Malaysia and Thailand these fish are most at home in aquariums full of vegetation and other peaceful fish such as the Tetras.
For glass catfish the only absolutely required tank mate is more of its own nature.
They are school fish that means that they stick closely together to protect themselves. A glass of catfish alone is constantly stressful and can have a significant effect on your health and life. The minimum tank size for a collage of 5 glass catfish is 30 gallons. If you think to add more fish to your home aquarium you should increase 5 gallons for an extra fish.
Preparation of your tank When setting up a tank the most important thing to consider is to have enough room for the fish to swim in the tank.
A mature aquarium is recommended for glass catfish as they are often very sensitive to even minor changes in water conditions. They should only be added to a fully cycled and heavily planted aquarium otherwise the fish may become ill. Read The Complete Guide to Cycling an Aquarium here. The glass catfish sometimes referred to as ghost catfish is one of the more interesting little critters you can get for your tank.
Due to their completely see-through bodies theyve become a sought after freshwater fish for anyone looking to add something a little different to their aquarium.
Glass catfish are also pretty easy to care for. The Glass Catfish is a very delicate fish. It is very sensitive of fluctuating water parameters and should be placed in a fully cycled aquarium with low nitrates. The Glass Cat is a very peaceful timid and delicate fish.
It should be kept only with peaceful tank mates and a school of at least 6.
Whether you own a large or small aquarium this guide will help you choose the catfish that will be a perfect fit for your tank. One of the most common and easily available catfish is the corydoras catfish. Anyone who has gazed at the wall of tanks at a fish store should be able to recognize this small South American fish. Cory cats are egg layers and will scatter their eggs on the glass and decorations in your aquarium.
Cory cat fry are really small and because of that they eat really small foods.
You will need a separate container for the fry and also a grow out aquarium as the catfish get bigger. Cory cats will lay anywhere between 20 and 100 eggs at a time. Glass catfish is very peaceful by nature and hence can be kept with other similar-minded tank mates like tetras dwarf cichlids dwarf gourami danios Loricarids Corydoras Hachetfish Loaches Kribensis Platies and red tailed shark. They are also compatible with silver dollars angelfish and larger gourami.
In their native habitat they usually breed in time of heavy rainfall.
But breeding in a water tank is still unknown and remains a mystery. But it is reported that some people are successful in breeding them in their aquarium. For this you must have at least one of each sex. Glass catfish are selective with what they eat and also not very good feeders.
While in the wild they eat zooplankton mosquito larvae other small sized fish the size of new born guppy small invertebrates and Daphnia.
In the aquarium you can feed your ghost catfish both frozen and live food. The mating and breeding season of Glass Catfish is monsoon when heavy rainfall occurs. You need to keep the male and female fish in a separate tank at 73 F 2277 C if you want to encourage the breeding process of this fish. Feed the fish a high level of live foods that have protein when they are supposed to lay eggs.
Gass catfish is an exceptionally eye-catching aquarium fish among the pet fish keepers because of its glass-like fleshy body.
This amazing fish was first discovered by well-known ichthyologist Dr. Tyson Roberts in 1989It is a ray-finned fish of Siluridae family under order Siluriformes of class Actinopterygii Osteichthyes. The genus name Kryptopterus came from Greek kryptos. Beautiful haunting and mysterious the Glass Catfish can add an element of intrigue to any aquarium.
These evocative fish have captured the fascination of hobbyists since their discovery.
Also known as Ghost Catfish or Phantom Catfish these creatures will earn the admiration of both seasoned and new aquarium owners. Glass catfish feel themselves much better and confident in a group of 4-6 fish they swim freely in the middle water layer and in the middle of the tank. To keep the fish healthy the tank water temperature shouldnt be less than 26 C and there shouldnt be any abrupt water temperature changes. Reproducing the catfish is a very complex process it can be done through induced breeding where certain hormones are injected in the female fish.
And after that the female fish will start spawning eggs.
Thats where the process begins.