The new teacher is all over the flexible seating because it is what it “new” and common right now. At this point, here were the seating options in the room: 6 standing desks and stools.
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6 regular chairs & desks.
This will not only decrease lesson disruptions in the future but also ensures the children’s safety.
Here's a look into my room on the morning of the first day of school. S/he dives in with all the flexible things and cute anchor charts about flexible seating rules from pinterest or another source and the students are excitable and chatty and not learning much. Trying to reel them in is next to impossible. I refer to this chart each and every time the students select a seat (which means multiple times a day).
These charts are always posted in our classroom and we refer to them all year.
The anchor charts are clear, neat and brief, covering basic expectations while using each flexible seating option. This anchor chart is designed for flexible seating classrooms. In this flexible seating rules chart i used different colors of marker so that i can tell students to “look at the red words” or “remember the green rule”. 6 cushions at a kneeling/sitting height table.
There are 21 large anchor charts/posters to use for going over basic rules for each flexible seating option.
Each seat can have its own set of rules and instructions for flexible seating. 6 regular chairs at a trapezoid table. 1 teacher chair at the trapezoid table. This resource includes everything you need to organize and implement flexible seating with your students!
To avoid any issues further down the line, set out very clear expectations about how each seat should be used.
It is crucial to set up rules/procedures/norms for your students before they begin. Not until i know the students are very capable of following the expectations, do i skip this part. Here is a printed version. It is also important to stick to these rules, be firm, be fair, and be consistent.
For example, you can avoid misuse of the flexible seating tools by coming up with management and organization strategies ahead of time and communicating these expectations with students through rules on an anchor chart, having them sign a contract, posting signs or posters about how the class is expected to store everything.
Another way to use anchor charts is for your rules and procedures in your classroom.