Because they are in contact with each other or its layer is fully compacted. A flexible pavement structure is typically composed of several layers of material each of which receives the loads from the above layer, spreads them out, then passes them on to the layer below. The primary functions of a highway pavement are:
What are the function of layers in a flexible pavement?
Flexible pavements are so named because the total pavement structure deflects, or flexes, under loading.
The initial (visible) function is to provide a surface that is safe, smooth and durable enough for the traffic anticipated to be using it, over the design life.
Thus, the function of a flexible pavement structure is to support a wheel load on the pavement surface and to spread or distribute the applied loads to the subgrade soil without exceeding its strength or that of various overlying pavement. It provides good traction for vehicles while allowing water to drain through. Flexible road pavement layers and functions. In the case of flexible pavement, the design is based on overall performance of flexible pavement, and the stresses produced should be kept well below the allowable stresses of each pavement layer.
In rigid pavement, the cement concrete layer acts as a base course as well as wearing course.
Modern flexible pavements are composed of sand and gravel or crushed stone compacted with a bituminous binder such as asphalt, tar, or asphaltic oil. Its primary function is to bear all the imposed stresses from the upper layers. Thus, the further down in the pavement structure a particular layer is, the less load. Flexible pavement is so named as the pavement surface reflects the total deflection of all subsequent layers due to the traffic load acting upon it.
This procedure requires that each layer be thick enough to distribute the stresses induced by traffic so that when they reach the underlying layer they will not overstress and produce excessive shear
Conventional flexible pavement uses the layered system. Modern flexible pavements contain sand and gravel or crushed stone compacted with a binder of bituminous material, such as asphalt, tar, or asphaltic oil. The flexible pavement design is based on the load distributing characteristics of a layered system. Distribute the loads safely on to a larger area of the foundation soil through the intermediate layers/courses.
The procedure presented here for design of flexible pavements is generally referred to as the california bearing ratio (cbr) design procedure.
Flexible pavement has a granular structure of layers, which transmits vertical or compressed stress to the lower layers. To provide a smooth and uniform rigid surface. (asphalt layers over lean concrete base or cement treated base are considered to be flexible pavements for the purposes of this manual.) the function of the asphalt layer is to act as In flexible pavement, normally a bituminous surface is used as wearing course.
This type of pavement is flexible enough to absorb impact.
Function of surface or wearing course the function of surface or wearing course are as follows: When the lower layer of the pavement or soil subgrade is deformed or undulated, due to permanent deformation, the flexible pavement layers and pavement. How many layers in flexible road pavements. Flexible pavements serve three functions, and in order to achieve these effectively, several layers are required.
Typical layers of a flexible pavement.
Such a pavement has enough plasticity to absorb shock. It transmits load to the subgrade through a combination of layers. In flexible pavement, a strong compacted granular structure is formed using strong graded aggregates, which divides the compressed stress into a wider area. Step by step explanation of flexible road pavement layers with functions.
Provide a strong and smooth surface to resist traffic loads.