Rigid pavement has a good flexural strength which serves as the major factor of design. Maintenance of well deigned rigid pavement is practically very small, whereas the bituminous surface of flexible pavement needs frequent maintenance. Flexible pavement, on the other hand, provides high riding quality but has reduced life and needs maintenance.
flexible and rigid pavement // flexible and rigid pavement
It reflects the deformations of subgrade and subsequent layers on the surface.
The initial cost of flexible pavement is low:
Rigid pavement does not do as well under temperature variations. The initial cost of the construction is high for rigid pavements. In flexible pavements load distribution is primarily based on layered system. The initial cost of rigid pavement is much more than the flexible one.
Rigid pavements are constructed of portland cement concrete slabs resting on a prepared subbase of granular material or directly on a granular subgrade.
It consists of one layer portland cement concrete slab or relatively high flexural strength. The main difference between the flexible and rigid pavements is based on the manner in which the loads are distributed to the subgrade. 26 rows flexible pavement: It consists of a series of layers with the highest quality materials at or near the surface of pavement.
While, in case of rigid pavements most of the load carries by slab itself and slight load goes to the underlying strata.
The initial cost of the construction is low for flexible pavements. Types of road pavement pdf. The span of flexible pavement is short. There are two two types of pavements used in transportation projects,.
Rigid pavements provide very poor riding quality and are only used in special requirements.
Since the top layer alone does not have to bear the entire load of traffic (weight is distributed amongst all the layers), flexible pavement are more structurally sound and much less likely to collapse due to heavyweight. Rigid pavement can distribute the load over a wide. Furthermore, rigid pavement are expensive to install, but the maintenance cost is quite reasonable when compared to flexible pavement. This video shows the main differences between the flexible pavement and rigid pavement.
Load is transmitted through the slabs to the underlying subgrade by flexure of the slabs.
25 rows difference between flexible pavement and rigid pavement 1. The pavement design is also one major factor, with flexible pavements reliant on subgrade strength and rigid pavement dependent on the flexural strength of concrete. Flexible pavement shows the deflection of subgrade at the surface of the pavement. These types of pavement are positioned both straight on a prepared subgrade and on a layer of granular or steady materials, in comparison with flexible pavements.
Considering the stage of construction, flexible pavement is preferred to the rigid pavement.
Life of rigid pavement is more than the flexible one. It is designed to be flexible and move. The rigid pavement has rigidity and high modulus of elasticity to distribute the load over a relatively wide area of soil. Why is a pavement called a pavement?
Following are some adverse conditions that require us to choose rigid pavement over flexible pavement:
These rigit pavement have a sufficient flexural strength to transfer the wheel load over a large area. The following are the basic differences among rigid and flexible pavement. Flexible pavement can be patched. Rigid pavement generally cannot be patched, but must be repaired.
Flexible pavement differ from rigid pavement in terms of load distribution.
Rigid pavement and flexible pavement. The initial cost of rigid pavement is high. Joints are required in flexible pavements The rigid pavements is tested with the plate theory.
Online library study on comparative flexible pavement thickness analysis
Following are the 10 difference between flexible pavements (bituminous) and rigid pavements (cement concrete) are described below: Rigid pavement will fail if the load or stress is too much. Rigid pavement contains a concrete layer at the top, the base course and soil subgrade remain underneath. Rigid pavement has a concrete layer at the top, the base course and soil subgrade are under it.
The baltic journal of road and bridge engineering 2008 3(4):
Rigid pavement contains a strong flexural strength that is considered as the vital factor of design. Difference between flexible and rigid pavement: The span of rigid pavement is long. The thickness of this pavement is less:
Flexible pavements can be defined as one consisting of a mixture of asphaltic or bituminous materials and aggregate placed on a bed of compacted granular material of appropriate quality in layers over the subgrade.
The thickness of this pavement is more: Unlike flexible pavement, rigid pavement are more robust, meaning they cannot bend or take other forms/shapes under pressure. The term pavement comes from latin pavimentum, meaning a floor beaten or. Rigid pavement are difficult to install and maintain.
Design life is 15 years.
What is prime coat, tack coat and seal coat in pavement road page 1/2.