And are therefore subject to cwa 404. The act of delineating the delineation of a scene. A picture using lines to represent the chief features of an object or scene.
Delineate by Erica Hall
A delineation more generally means any kind of accurate or vivid portrayal of something else.
Definition of delineation 1 :
See synonyms for delineation on To clearly show or describe (something) the report clearly delineates the steps that must be taken. Cartoon, drawing, sketch… find the right word. This shows grade level based on the word's complexity.
The delineation method includes multiple steps, and is a somewhat strenuous process, depending on the environment (which sometimes includes swamps, mosquitoes and poison ivy).
The applicant can decide whether they would like a final approved delineation or. Jurisdictional delineations are performed on a property in order to delineate which waters are waters of the u.s. Section 404 of the clean water act authorizes the us army corps of engineers (usace) to regulate the discharge of dredged or fill material into the waters of the united states, including wetlands,. The action of describing or….
Sketch or trace in outline;
Having or forming clear edges or boundaries deserts are wildly heterogeneous, composed of numerous, disparate, sharply delineated microenvironments. The act or process of delineating. Britannica dictionary definition of delineate. Delineation process our wetlands specialist delineates the edge of vegetated wetlands following the strict criteria prescribed by the dep handbook.
Definition of delineated 1 a :
Various interpretation and inversion methods were established in the past and also ominously in the present. Conservation and protection often begins with wetland delineation, which is the process of establishing formal or legal boundaries around these delicate ecosystems. To describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail delineate a character in the story delineate the steps to be taken by the government. He delineated the state of texas on the map with a red pencil.
Delineate definition, to trace the outline of;
A delineation can refer to any kind of pictorial representation of something else, like a geometric sketch or a map of a city. Delineation of the residual gravity anomaly is to describe the diverse natures of subsurface structures, depth, amplitude and location of the structure on the surface buried at different depths. The characters in the story were carefully delineated. Wetland identification and delineation establishes the existence (location) and physical limits (size) of a wetland for purposes of complying with the clean water act and other federal, state, and local regulations.
Most often, a preliminary jurisdictional delineation is submitted to the army corps by the permit applicant, which the corps then verifies.
The action of indicating the exact position of a border or boundary. Delineation the clean water act is a federal statute established to maintain and restore the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the waters of the united states. The action of describing or marking the edge of something: In black and white wash, he delineated the gnarled roots of a tree (sally holmes holtze).
Delineation is the act of representing something or describing it.
The act of outlining or representing something with lines or words : Wetlands typically refer to areas with water bearing soil. The portrait you paint of your best friend is a delineation of that person.