Chevrolet cordavan maroon metallic color code: Maroon / #800000 hex color code information, schemes, description and conversion in rgb, hsl, hsv, cmyk, etc. In the hsl color space #2f0909 has a hue of 0° (degrees), 68% saturation and 11% lightness.
Dark Maroon Color Code Cmyk XYZ de Code
In the rgb color model #2f0909 is comprised of 18.43% red, 3.53% green and 3.53% blue.
This colour page lists more detailed information about the hex color code #7f0909 and rgb 127, 9, 9.
Find hex, rgb and cmyk color values of some favorite shades of maroon. 9 rows dark maroon has the hex code #510400. What does the color maroon look like? The color deep maroon with hexadecimal color code #820000 is a medium dark shade of red.
In a rgb color space, hex #800020 (also known as burgundy) is composed of 50.2% red, 0% green and 12.5% blue.
The sets below has both types (similar by name and closer in distance) It has a hue angle of 345 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 25.1%. Deep maroon / #820000 hex color code. The word 'maroon' comes from the french for red ('ron') and can refer to either an intense or deep shade. in fact, maroons have been used as symbols of freedom because they were originally associated with royalty before becoming popular among commoners during medieval times when it became worn by those who worked at night as prostitutes under.
However, the color chart used by web designers considers maroon as a shade of brown.
A 20% lighter version of the original color is #660000 and #2a0000 is the 20% darker color. Color codes for roblox can be found in this section.this list will show you all of roblox's colors, along. The equivalent rgb values are (81, 4, 0), which means it. Maroon has a hex code of #800000 on this chart.
Maroon is a very dark shade of the color red.
Colors that make up #800000. Ready to order this paint? In order to guarantee the accuracy of a color, paint should be ordered based on the color code. The similarity of colors can be determined by the name or using special formula to calculate distance between different named colors.
Maroon is a dark burgundy color.
This chart is known as the hex color chart. Html color code for #800000. A good complementary color for this color is #008080. In the rgb color model #820000 is comprised of 50.98% red, 0% green and 0% blue.
Color space information dark maroon ( similar ) color | 3a010c.
However, it’s very close in appearance to two shades of red on the hex chart—dark red, which has the hex code #8b0000. This color has an approximate wavelength of 611.37 nm. Roblox frequently publishes new color codes, and this list is updated as soon as they are released. Maroon color codes / shades of maroon.
The hex color chart used by web designers and developers actually considers maroon a shade of brown.
In the hsl color space #820000 has a hue of 0° (degrees), 100% saturation and 25% lightness. Here are the different color shades of burgundy. Maroon can at times mimic brown due to its dark red characteristic. Whereas in a cmyk color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 100% magenta, 75% yellow and 49.8% black.
The hexadecimal color #3c0008 is a color red whose writing is rgb (60, 0, 8) either 24% of red, 0% of green, 3% of blue;
#800020 color hex could be obtained by blending #. The maroon color hex code is #800000. Because of its dark red hue, maroon can still sometimes look similar to brown. Roblox has 132 hues, so let's explore them all!
#3c0008 isn't x11 color, closest x11 color is black ( #000000 ), also this color can be known as:
Similar pantone color name information, color schemes, light / darkshades, tones, similar colors , preview the color and download photoshop swatch and solid color background image The hsl value is hsl (249, 255%, 30%) either a shade of 249°, a saturation of 255% and a brightness of 30%; This color has an approximate wavelength of 611.37 nm. The vehicle color code will list the paint color exactly so finding it is important.
Dark burgundy has the hex code #65081f.
The cmyk value is cmyk (0, 100, 87, 76) either 0% of cyan, 100% of magenta, 87% of yellow and 76% of black. Ford dark maroon / #2f0909 hex color code.