How to Say “Stove” in French? What is the meaning of

Cuisiniere In French Stove Cuisinière Ancienne, Cuisinière, Poêles

J'étais penchée sur la cuisinière. Contextual translation of cuisinière into french.

On dirait que les télévendeurs appellent toujours juste au moment où la casserole déborde sur la cuisinière. Examples and translations in context. Over 100,000 english translations of french words and phrases.

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When you want to say to cook in french you have two options.

Updated on january 26, 2019. Examples and translations in context. More than 250,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary English words for cuisinière include cooker, cooking, kitchen range, cooking range, kitchen stove and cooker stove.

Éteindre la cuisinière et laisser l'eau refroidir complètement.

Translate cuisinière in french online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. Translation of cuisinière in french. Translations for cuisinière in the french»english dictionary (go to english»french) show summary of all matches i. Since we borrowed the word cuisine in english to speak about styles of food, this one should be easy to remember.

The meaning of cuisinière is a woman who is a cuisinier.

Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to america's largest dictionary, with:. Four, fourneau, fournaise, réchaud, calorifère) volume_up. J'ai laissé ma cuisinière allumée. Cuisinière à gaz gas cooker.

Turn off the stove, and allow water to cool completely.

I think i've left the cooker on. (i am french)(masculine then feminine form) vous êtes français / française. Kitchen fitted with electric cooker, fridge, dishes. She was a great teacher, but a terrible cook.

Over 100,000 english translations of french words and phrases.

One is cuire and the other is cuisiner, which is the subject of this verb conjugation lesson. She's currently working as a cook in aberystwyth. (you are french.)(formal)(masculine then feminine form) tu es français/ française. Cooker, stove, cooker, range, stove.

Elle travaille comme cuisinière à aberystwyth.

Cooker, stove, cooker, range, stove. Cuisin|ier (cuisinière) [kɥizinje, ɛʀ] n m ( f ) A female cook or chef | meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Find more french words at!


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