Of or related to a cloister | meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Of or relating to a method of establishing a new colony, found in certain social insects, in which a queen (in ants) or a queen and king pair (in termites) sequesters itself in a small chamber and hatches the first generation of workers,. cloistered (or claustral) life is also another name for the monastic life of a monk or nun.
The Synaptic Organization of the Claustral Projection to
‘a claustral oblate candidate may be received into the novitiate by the abbot with the consent of the chapter.’.
There is a small number of conventual or claustral oblates, who reside in a monastic community.
Of or relating to a method of establishing a new colony, found in certain social insects, in which a queen (in ants) or a queen and king pair (in termites) sequesters itself in a small chamber and hatches the first generation of workers, nourishing them primarily on stored body fat. The fratres barbati or conversi, who took. Adj a less common variant of → cloistral. ‘most frequently it seems it was either the abbot's lodgings or, as at lacock abbey, some of the claustral buildings which were adapted.’.
‘most frequently it seems it was either the abbot's lodgings or, as at lacock abbey, some of the claustral buildings which were adapted.’.
Claustral ( comparative more claustral, superlative most claustral ) of or pertaining to a cloister. 1 relating to a cloister or religious house. The coadjutor of an abbot ranking next to him in a monastery. From late latin claustralis, from latin claustrum ‘lock, enclosed place’ (see cloister).
Adj (ecclesiastical terms) of, like, or characteristic of a cloister.
That is, the claustrum appears to connect. ( anatomy) relating to the claustrum of the brain. In photographs the dinosaurs seem to be lurking just outside the frame. They never really seal themselves into their nest and actively forage during the founding stage.
अनेक समान गोष्टींचा समूह examples in english :
From late latin claustralis, from latin claustrum ‘lock, enclosed place’ (see cloister). Claustral's usage examples: cloistered (or claustral) life is also another name for the monastic life of a monk or nun. The layer of subcortical gray matter between the external capsule and the white matter of the insula or extreme capsule. ‘a claustral oblate candidate may be received into the novitiate by the abbot with the consent of the chapter.’.
Today ruined portions of the church and claustral buildings.
Of or pertaining to a cloister, monastic, from medieval latin claustralis pertaining to a claustrum,… see definitions of claustral. There is a small number of conventual or claustral oblates, who reside in a monastic community. 1 relating to a cloister or religious house. — the economist, 7 nov.
A grouping of a number of similar things definition in marathi :
Today ruined portions of the church and claustral buildings survive on the privately owned priory farm in hickling. It is located between the insula laterally and the putamen medially, separated by the extreme and external capsules respectively. The meaning of claustral is cloistral. Of, relating to, or suggesting a cloister;
The expression of gng2 and pv immunoreactivity offers an empirical definition of claustral boundaries and describes the relationship of the claustrum to contiguous structures.
Of or relating to a method of establishing a new colony, found in certain social insects, in which a queen (in ants) or a queen and king pair (in termites) sequesters itself in a small chamber and hatches the first generation of workers, nourishing them primarily on stored body fat. Cloistral definition, of, relating to, or living in a cloister. Cloistral synonyms, cloistral pronunciation, cloistral translation, english dictionary definition of cloistral.