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Figure 41 is generally the same setup for all 3.0 to 4.0 hp engines with tank mounted below carburetor.
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These numbers are located on the engine itself, stamped directly into the sheet metal cover as shown.
The engine has a bore of 3.12 inches and a stroke, or maximum movement of the piston, of 2.43 inches. Briggs & stratton exploded parts diagrams. Do not settle for substitutes. Actually, we have been remarked that briggs and stratton engine troubleshooting diagram is being one of the most popular subject right now.
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These images belong to the briggs and stratton corporation.
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If you are replacing or rebuilding parts of the small engine on your lawn mower, snow blower or other outdoor power equipment, the basic schematics or wiring diagrams of our alternator systems are.
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Briggs and stratton illustrated parts diagrams available online from lawnmowerpros and ready to assist you in finding your repair parts.
This interactive page will allow you to find the exact replacement part you need, using official parts diagrams from the manufacturer. Find your manual or parts list. These printable parts diagrams are very helpful to have with you while you're repairing your engine. I will post the others as soon as i get them scanned.
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