The kl capture ratio for ba133 is shown to be greater than 1.5. The resulting decay scheme with levels at 79, 158, 381 and 437 kev is in excellent. Isotopes of barium (click to see decay chain):
The calibrated spectrum of 133 Ba Download Scientific
11 54 xe 133 (z=54, n=79) 11.1 xe 133m 11.2 xe 133 11.3 references 12 55 cs 137 (z=55, n=82) 12.1 references
The decay of the isotope ba133, produced by pile neutron irradiation of ba132, has been studied with a magnetic lens and scintillation spectrometers.
Le baryum 133 se d esint egre par capture electronique vers des niveaux excit es de 437 et 383 kev du c esium 133. Gamma rays at 79, 79, 274, 302, 358 and 381 kev have been observed. The nuclide box extract, the decay scheme is shown giving more details of the decay processes. Most of the recent investigators 7, s, 14) are in agreement concerning the salient features of the electron capture decay scheme of 7.2 y ba i 3 a as shown in fig.
Introduction and summary of previous work on ba 131 artificially produced, radioactive ba decays, with approximately a 12 day half life, by electron capture to cs^^.
2 nuclear data t 1=2(133ba ) : But what has the decay scheme to do with the nuclear structure? 10,540 (6) a q+(133ba ) : The resulting decay scheme with levels at 79, 158, 381 and 437 kev is in excellent.
Normally there are energies listed with an intensity ≥ 1 %.
S seconds m minutes h hours d days y years energy. In addition, the presence of a 56 kev gamma ray was confirmed. In addition, the presence of a 56 kev gamma ray was confirmed. Le baryum 133 se d esint egre par capture electronique principalement vers deux niveaux excit es de 437 kev et 383 kev du c esium 133.
All energies are given in kev.
Fast neutron activation thermal neutron activation : 133ba disintegrates by electron capture mainly to two133cs excited levels of 437 kev (85.4%) and of 383 kev (14.5%) with three very minor branches to the 160 kev, 81 kev excited levels and the ground state. Gamma rays at 79, 79, 274, 302, 358 and 381 kev have been observed. These decay schemes are an aid to understanding the contents of the nuclide chart boxes.
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Gamma rays at 79, 79, 274, 302, 358 and 381 kev have been observed.

![Partial level schemes of 137 Xe [ 9,10 ] , 133 Te [ 3,4](