Cropping system was initiated during 1970s at cpcri. • the betel nut tree is called areca catechu botanically and belongs to the palm tree species and family of arecaceae. Multiple cropping in arecanut plantations.
Areca nut farming in Bangalore
Crops like banana, pepper, cocoa, elephant foot yam, citrus, betelvine, pineapple etc.
Arecanut is cultivated with spacing of 2.7 x 2.7 m provides ample scope for cultivation various annual by biennial and perennial crops in the inter spaces.
Were found suitable for inter/mixed cropping in arecanut. They do not grow areca nut alone. Several crops are reported as component crop with arecanut in a plantation under different agroclimatic conditions. It reduces the effects of weather on crops and improves soil characteristics;
Growing of crops in association with arecanut and coconut is an age old practice.
Areca nut or betel nut is an extensively cultivated tropical palm the nuts of which form a popular masticatory in india, the middle east, and far east. India produces annually 150,000 tones of areca nut from an area of 18,34,000ha. (1977), intercropping as applied to plantation crops. Areca grows tall, towering over the coffee plant providing much needed shade to the coffee wherever necessary.
Venation structure and orientation of fronds permits adequate solar radiation falling on the fronds to percolate below facilitating multiple cropping.
Many of these areca trees have begun bearing fruit, thus adding to the farmer’s returns. However, it is found that as the age of the garden advances, only few crops can be grown profitably as mixed crop. The best cropping model for dakshina kannada region is arecanut + cocoa + banana + black pepper. When it is referring to plantation crops it denotes growing more than one annual and or perennial crops in the inter space of main crop.
It is commercially available in dried, cured and fresh forms.
Though their main crop is areca nut, they often grow some other crops/fruits. This farming method maintains ecological balance. Generally, they prefer to grow such types of crops/fruits which This nut palm belongs to the family of “arecaceae” and genus of “areca l.”.
Practice of multi storied cropping system is highly successful in plantation crops especially in coconut, areca nut, coffee and cashew for enhancing sustainable
8.the yield commences from 8th year after planting. Multiple cropping in arecanut plantations. It is generally practiced in orchards and plantation crops for the utmost use of solar energy even under high planting density. This farming method maximizes the utilization of resources with higher efficiency.
• it is one of the important cash crops of our country.
Crops have wider spacing and tall growing eg. Introduction • areca nut is primarily grown for its kernels which is chewed by people in different stages. Indian shade grown coffee is always associated with one or the other multiple crops like arecanut, orange, cardamom, pepper, oil palm, cocoa and banana. We explore this opulent 30 year old farm (plantation) in india where areca nut is the main crop, and also explain companion crops like cardamom, coffee, coco.
The arecanut isn’t a true nut, but instead, a fruit categorized as a berry.
Commercial cultivation of areca nut is more successful in india. Arecanut has a long gestation period; Banana, pepper, cocoa, elephant foot yam, citrus, betelvine, pineapple etc. These multi crops also provide a unique taste to indian coffee because of.
These multi crops grow luxuriantly along with coffee and establish a symbiotic role where in one crop acts as an anchor to the other.
9.average yield per tree is about 1.7k.g. Were found suitable for inter/mixed cropping in arecanut. Several studies reported that arecanut based multispecies cropping system (abmscs) is effective for increasing the production per unit area and maximizing the economic As applied to plantation crops refers in growing of annuals.