

But since the souls will be involved with the immortal role until the end of the cycle, the anunnaki were portrayed (in the myths) as having the ability to live for a long time. The first flood was in lemuria and then there were others in atlantis (several times).

‘anunnaki’ was a collective name for all those gods of heaven and earth, who were given duties for the creation of the new civilization during the confluence of the silver and copper ages. The anunnaki are a group of deities first attested during the reign of gudea (c. Other anunnaki descendants also inhabit the earth today, but enki and enlil’s descendants are identified as being israelites.

Anunnaki Ancient Sumerian God Painting on canvas 20 x 30 Enki

This race of humans multiplied quickly, and enlil, the.

The sumerians were known for their worship of many gods and among them was enki, a god known for being the patron and founder of the city of eridu, possibly the first city of mesopotamia, thus establishing the beginning of civilization on earth.

While there are a number of “central characters” in the myths and legends of the anunnaki, much of the action revolves around these two sibling rivals. In particular, the temptation of adam and eve in the bible’s old testament is seen to be a summary of a sumerian version in which fallen angels like the anunnaki ancient astronaut alien gods enki and enlil are at odds over the decision to grant mankind the same intelligence as the anunnaki ‘gods’ themselves i.e. The last great flood, approximately 13,000 years ago, became a legend when enki went against the other anunnaki and saved humans (the noahs of earth) when this accident occurred. But this is a complex topic, and i do.

The anunnaki were seen as the immortal gods because they were using the immortal god roles.

He was the firstborn son of anu, the king of the planet nibiru. In this article, i am going to give you a crash course in the mythology of enki and enlil. The historical accounts of the two brothers from ancient times have now been revealed! The ‘triad gods’ (anu, enlil and enki) were seen.

If you are learning about the anunnaki, two names you are going to hear a lot are enki and enlil.

Nibiru is supposed to circle the sun every 3,600 earth years. Many elohiym descendants remained behind on earth in order to preserve their race. A possible depiction of enki and ziusudra. Those with enki forced enlil to help save whatever humans they could.

One of the most signficant archaeological discoveries in the field of sumerian studies was the discovery of the first modern library known to man at the site of the palace.

(solvo/cc by nd 2.0 ) enki helps humanity. Anthropology, ph.d.), author of anunnaki: Enki, creator of humans, was depicted as snake in biblical genesis (falsely, satan; The lost book of enki memoirs of an extraterrestrial god (part 1) the anunnaki rule and dominion over mankind according to the lost book of enki by afrika is woke magazine.

The tablets are the account of enki, an annunaki, from a planet called nibiru.

Originally, the anunnaki appear to have been heavenly deities with immense. Akkadian cylinder seal from sometime around 2300 bc or thereabouts depicting the deities inanna, utu, enki, and isimud. The anunnaki (also transcribed as anunaki, annunaki, anunna, ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities of the ancient sumerians, akkadians, assyrians and babylonians. Enki, the king of the abzu, who, even before holy inanna had approached within six miles of the abzu.

Gods no more and producer of the hugely popular web site,, studied with the late zecharia sitchin, for many years.

Lessin to help disseminate written,. Combining the accounts of the great flood from different historical texts, zecharia sitchin put forward a hypothesis that explains the anunnaki gods' time period just before and after the flood. May also be the greek poseidon, mayan viraccichu?, and. He described how the great deluge led to the anunnaki establishing a new spaceport at the giza pyramid complex after enki and enlil disagreed.

The temple) in eridug, knew all about her enterprise —.

And lucifer as seen by traditional religions, though meaning “light bearer”); Berossus wrote cataclysmic change would occur in 122 bce. “come here, my man, listen to my words Enki was a very powerful god and had the help of mystical beings at his.

Nevertheless, enki knew that the population on hibiru was in trouble, so to preserve the elohiym royal family line;

Enki also plays a major role in another akkadian/babylonian myth, the atrahasis, which is the mesopotamian version of the great this myth, enki was responsible for the creation of mankind , who would serve the gods. Enki is also associated with the sea and goats as he loved to sail and go after goats (horned god), symbolism of horned crown;

Enki, Anunnaki of Water by yannickdubeau on DeviantArt
Enki, Anunnaki of Water by yannickdubeau on DeviantArt

Anunnaki Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Anunnaki Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Tajemství Enkiho stvořitele lidské civilizace
Tajemství Enkiho stvořitele lidské civilizace

Annunaki King Marduk Lands In Africa? July 8, 2013
Annunaki King Marduk Lands In Africa? July 8, 2013

¿Los Anunnaki crearon a la humanidad hace más de 400 mil
¿Los Anunnaki crearon a la humanidad hace más de 400 mil

Anunnaki Ancient Sumerian God Painting on canvas 20 x 30 Enki
Anunnaki Ancient Sumerian God Painting on canvas 20 x 30 Enki

Anunnaki Gods War VS. Demi Gods Enlil Enki Igigi!? YouTube
Anunnaki Gods War VS. Demi Gods Enlil Enki Igigi!? YouTube
