In the sumerian stories lucifer is commensurate with enki, the creator of humanity. Enki creó a la humanidad y enlil quiso reducir su población o destruirla. Enki and enlil were brothers, sons of the god anu.
I AM GOD Yahweh is Anunnaki Ea / Enki to Marduk Anu Enlil
And if enlil is the leader of the evil ones… then enki must be reptillian also.
Speaking they are opposite energies, enki and enlil, and they are sons of anu who is the sun.
Other anunnaki descendants also inhabit the earth today, but enki and enlil's descendants are identified as being israelites. Entraron en un gran conflicto y la humanidad estuvo en medio de esa disputa. And, if they are anunnaki. The anunnaki, or “those who descended from heaven ,” were the primary gods of the ancient sumerians, akkadians, assyrians, and babylonians, who lived in mesopotamia, which is now iran and iraq.
Los anunnaki enki y enlil:
Figuras centrales de la mitología sumeria. 3) a white race of people who are descendants of the anunnaki; This sumerian mythology epic poem covers the story from creation to the great flood. Enki is responsible for creating mankind, who were destined to serve the gods, in the epic of atrahasis.
The oldest of the anunnaki was enlil, the god of air and chief god of the sumerian pantheon.
In 440,000 bce, ninmah, chief medical officer of the nibiran goldmining expedition to earth, gave up relating sexually with anunnaki commander enlil, the father of their son, ninurta. One of the main reasons for this comes from the story of the great flood where enki was the god who warned noah of an impending deluge, and therefore became regarded as the savior of the human race, while enlil. The hebrew year 3600 bce when the enlil would return and again communicate with his people in the cleansed temple and certain other enigimatically conveyed events had occurred. Many people who are familiar with the anunnaki have been led to believe that enki is the “good guy” and enlil is the “bad guy” based on the myths.
The pole shift happened after the great flood 10,500 b.c.
As the supreme ruler of e. The forbidden history of the origin of mankind. The sumerians believed that, until enlil was born, heaven and earth were inseparable. According to the ancient astronaut theory, what the bible actually reveals is that abraham is essentially recruited by the anunnaki alien fallen angel god enlil in the 2nd anunnaki pyramid war in order to counter the offensive for the disputed anunnaki earth kingship which the ancient astronaut anunnaki fallen angels were fighting for control over on earth.
One of the most signficant archaeological discoveries in the field of sumerian studies was the discovery of the first modern library known to man at the site of the palace of king.
Enki was one of the most significant gods in sumerian mythology and the patron of the city of eridu, which the ancient residents of mesopotamia thought to be the first city. January 16, 2017 at 3:50 am. The lost book of enki memoirs of an extraterrestrial god (part 1) the anunnaki rule and dominion over mankind according to the lost book of enki by afrika is woke magazine. Enki fue el creador de la humanidad y enlil se manifestó como un opresor y hasta destructor.
An anunnaki emissary communicating to the hebrew prophet daniel, ordered the jews to begin the countdown for nibiru’s return from 160 bce.
But anu can be represented in various ways. The anunnaki are a group of deities that appear in the mythological traditions of the ancient sumerians, akkadians, assyrians, and babylonians. Humans, who at this time had long lives, multiplied rapidly, and enlil, the chief of the gods, was very disturbed by the noise that humans were making and. Enki suspected that his activities from the previous evening had been exposed.
While facing much opposition from his malevolent brother enlil, who is representative of left brain patriarchal consciousness, enki saves enlightens humankind in the garden, clothes them after enlil drives them out, and saves humanity from the deluge with which enlil.
The concept of amon and the concept of aten Volume 1 for the first time ever in the western world, and in the history of the occult, divination, tarot, anunnaki, The anunnakis, or “those who descended from heaven,” were the primary gods of the ancient. In the world of that time, energies, ideas, peoples and people were represented allegoriclly as characters.
[7] then, enlil cleft heaven and earth in two [7] and carried away the earth [8].
Enki’s role can be summed up as humanity’s creator and champion. 4) an oriental race of people who are the descendants of the nefilim. Conversely, some sources state that the names ya, yahweh, and jehovah can trace back to enki/ea, thus, the two (enki/ea and enlil) seem to have been at times confused and mixed together. To read more about enki, please read a previous article of mine (click here)
Thankfully, his mother antu, also known as “nammu,” is able to communicate with him.
Through anunnaki’s law, enlil was then given the rightful heir to anu’s throne and not his other brothers, including enki, born by a different goddess. The historical accounts of the two brothers from ancient times have now been revealed! How can he be good if he is one of them? While enlil is battling with tiamat, enki is missing the whole thing, because he is asleep.
Wouldn’t that make enki a shapeshifter and a fear freek?
Ancient sumerian texts refer to the anunnaki as “those who descended from heaven”, a powerful race of extraterrestrial beings who projected humanity hundreds of thousands of years ago.