Volkswagen Anthracite / 50514d Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints

Anthracite Color Code R60 2016 R60 R141 Wheel /code? North

Rgba (40,40,45,1.00) lab xyzcolor : In the hsv/hsb scale, matte anthracite has a hue of 210°, 10% saturation and a brightness value of 23%.

240° , 11% , 18%. The hexadecimal color code #45464c is a medium dark shade of blue. If any one could help me out it would be very helpful as iv had a search on the net and cant seem to find anything.

Hex Color Code 3d3f43 Pantone 194007 Tpg Anthracite

Matte anthracite has the hex code #35383b.

Pantone color, chips & color guides | color inspiration.

In the rgb color model #45464c is comprised of 27.06% red, 27.45% green and 29.8% blue. In the rgb color model #293133 is comprised of 16.08% red, 19.22% green and 20% blue. The gray shades that make up anthracite are becoming an increasingly popular trend in most homes. Charcoal color is sometimes called graphite or anthracite color.

For some people it’s a dusky shade associated with coal made of wood or hard, mined coal and other sedimentary rocks.

Hi people, just wondering if anyone knows the colour codes for anthracite colours, especially the anthracite that comes on the megane cups. The code you need to input is #393d47. Auto paint base for varnish 598f anthracite complete with varnish has a high content of dry residue, so that the paint is well concealed from the first layer, so that the consumption is minimized. In the hsl color space #293133 has a hue of 192° (degrees.

Ral color code 7016 concerns the color anthracite grey and is part of the color collection.

This shade belongs to the gray ral series. It is composed of 20% cyan, 4% magenta, 0% yellow and 80% black. To recreate this hue, take black and add some specks of gunmetal gray to achieve the subtle metallic luster it is known for. In the hsl color space #45464c has a hue of 231° (degrees), 5% saturation and 28% lightness.

A black rock with a metallic shine, hence the reason anthracite appears on the black side even though it is actually a shade of deep grey that’s almost black but in a softer version.

This color has a pearly finish, which gives an air of sophistication to any room. Accordingly, what color is anthracite nike? Anthracite azul petroleo black dark green nero rainforest green type your color in the box in the left, it doesn't matter the format and how you space the values. Tikkurila x489 / anthracite / #45464c hex color code.

240° , 6% , 17%.

Anthracite color in interior design and home decorating: I seem to be likeing the lighter shades of anthracite rather than the darker ones iv seen. This color has an approximate wavelength of 470.46 nm. The name anthracite comes from a precious variety of carbon:

Almost certain there is only one anthracite the code 221 refers to the combination of leather seat colour and console/dash colour ie:

'quartz leather and anthracite console' might be a different code to your amg but still use the same. The hexadecimal color code #293133 is a dark shade of cyan. Find here all the information about the ral 7016 colour anthracite grey. In the rgb color model #383e42 is comprised of 21.96% red, 24.31% green and 25.88% blue.

Approximate color of anthracite grey metallic touch up paint.

Daily porsche news, nationwide porsche marketplace, shared porsche content Overview of ral 7016 colour. Smart combinations with other tones. Ral colour 7016 anthracite grey.

The anthracite hex code can be quantified in rgb values which represent the.

Thankfully, the hex value for anthracite is simple; The cmyk color codes, used in printers, are c:10 m:5 y:0 k:77. The hex color system is popular in many graphic design centers, so if you work in the industry there’s a good chance you’re completing your projects based on this spectrum. You can also try with a keyword.

The equivalent rgb values are (53, 56, 59), which means it is composed of 32% red, 33% green and 35% blue.

Still want to know more? Anthracite color code the anthracite hex code is #383e42. Charcoal is a unique mixture of grey and black. Anthracite is a deep gray color, that appears almost black and comes with a softer edge.

Anthracite grey color hex code is #383e42 and it comes in a pearl finish.

RAL Color Chart
RAL Color Chart


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Volkswagen Anthracite / 50514d Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints

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