Adexar® Farming and Crop Protection

Adexar Plus 10L

Without this information we cannot make an informed assessment of likely ingestion rates by gamebirds feeding on treated foliage. The product provides excellent disease control in numerous crops and contributes decisively to securing yiel.

Adexar is intended to be used as a foliar fungicide on barley and wheat crops. Product identifier adexar® relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against. Adexar is a broad spectrum contact and systemic fungicide with protectant and eradicant activity.

Adexar Plus/10L Fungicydy Agrii

Cea mai mare producţie de grâu la hectar obţinută la nivel mondial, o performanță autentificată de cartea recordurilor, a fost înregistrată în februarie anul acesta.

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30656452/sds_cpa_eu/en) date of print 11.06.2019 stot se 3 (irritating to respiratory system) aquatic acute 1 aquatic chronic 1 h318, h335, h351, h360df, h400, h410, euh401 for the classifications not written out in full in this section the full text can be found in section 16. Un fermier din noua zeelandă a reușit să recolteze 16,8 tone la hectar de pe o. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking. Use adexar as part of an integrated.

Adexar's useful properties extend further still he pointed out.

Adexar should be used in accordance with the instructions for use for the target diseases at the specific growth stages indicated. Adexar is a highly effective fungicide based on the innovative active ingredient xemium®. Adexar is intended to be used by growers and commercial contractors within the Adexar is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats.

1b aquatic acute 1 aquatic chronic 1 h319, h302, h317, h351, h360df, h410, euh401 for the classifications not written out in full in this section the full text can be found in section 16.

Time of application apply adexar after growth stage bbch 25 (tillering). Leer bien la etiqueta y la ficha tecnica del producto Trials have shown a yield benefit from adexar due to factors in addition to disease control, which can be explained by its proven ability to enhance the crop's green leaf area (gla), water use efficiency and improvements to plant nitrogen utilisation. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including

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In adexar or the recommended dilution rate for application. Caristop ingrediente activo :clofentezine (500 g/l). Adexar is applied as a dilute foliar spray up to the end of flowering (growth stage 69) using conventional ground and air spraying equipment. Combining the two active ingredients ensures that relevant fungal diseases are controlled in a particularly secure and prolonged way.

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Ob im kino (übrigens eine tol. Adexar is taken up via the stem and foliage and is translocated upwards and outwards to provide some protection of new growth. Adexar ® is a highly effective fungicide based on the innovative active ingredient xemium ®.the product provides excellent disease control in numerous crops and contributes decisively to securing yield and quality. Details of the supplier of the safety.

(number of keywords in top 20 google serp) 0 organic traffic:

Indicele fao pentru prețurile la alimente a înregistrat o medie de 168 de puncte în aprilie, în scădere cu 1,8% față de luna martie, deși a rămas cu 10% mai mare decât în anul precedent. Adexar is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Adexar ® is a highly effective fungicide based on the innovative active ingredient xemium ®.the product provides excellent disease control in numerous crops and contributes decisively to securing yield and quality. We do not have concern for gamebirds ingesting treated grain due to the time between treatment prior to flowering and seeding.

1/21 basf safety data sheet according to regulation (ec) no.

Also find details on basf fungicides prices, features,. Adexar is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. 30519170/sds_cpa_gb/en) date of print 01.09.2017 skin sens.

BASF Adexar fungicide Adexar fluxpyroxad62.5
BASF Adexar fungicide Adexar fluxpyroxad62.5

ADEXAR 12.5 EC AgroLuz
ADEXAR 12.5 EC AgroLuz

adexar 12.5 ec DUNASUN S.A.C
adexar 12.5 ec DUNASUN S.A.C


BASF Adexar Origin Branding
BASF Adexar Origin Branding

Адексар, КЭ (Adexar) фунгицид для защиты колосовых
Адексар, КЭ (Adexar) фунгицид для защиты колосовых

BASF Adexar Origin Branding
BASF Adexar Origin Branding
